It is an uncontested fact that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (may her name be blotted out!)…

League of St. Peter Damian: Study Guide 16
By: Randy Engel Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “May her name be blotted out”
On September 18, 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Thus, were the doors opened wide for…

Tens of Thousands of Unexpected Deaths: CDC silent
On August 29, 2020, the New York Times published an article that should have become…

Fatima the Movie: A full review
Contrary to my previous comments about having no intention of watching the movie, Fatima, after…

Lockdown in Victoria: Coming soon to your neighborhood
[Note: This column was initially published by Renew America] If you haven’t been paying attention…

‘Fatima’ the Movie: Was it worth the wait?
Originally slated for release in 2017 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s…

How George Floyd “Changed the World”
[The following was originally published by Renew America, Aug. 26, 2020] “One of the most…

DNC Acceptance Speech: Joe Biden the Light Bearer
Writing for Religion News Service, reporter Jack Jenkins observed: For years, pundits and political analysts…

Bishop Barron’s “Vatican II FAQs”
Word on Fire, Bishop Robert Barron’s production company, recently posted “Vatican II FAQs” on its…