The Second Vatican Council opened the flood gates of endless innovation in the sacred liturgy by way of that dreadful process commonly known as “inculturation.” The only real solution? Put the Novus Ordo out of our misery, but I think we all know that isn’t happening anytime soon.

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Well, Louie, when you started to sing I was smiling but by the end of your ditty I had tears in my eyes. Our poor Mass.
I remember a few summers ago I was unexpectedly asked to host a tour bus around a tourist attraction. I’ll tell ya, when I got that mike in my hand it was like a drug! I had all these new friends, listening to every word. All eyes on me!! I told little jokes, pointed out nice houses as we drove along, gave a little history and details about our region, and really felt wonderful!
Is this what a mic’d-up priest feels when he mounts the ‘altar’ steps? He’s got his get-up on. He’s ready with little quips for the greeting. He’s got his vacation stories or more quips for the ‘homily,’ he’s got his assistants ready for the show, and away he goes.
How does this reflect the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus to His Father? Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
Tremendous post…shocking dancing scenes…very impressed you could play both the guitar and drums at the same time!!!
Nice one Louie! When your music video started it took about 15 seconds for my brain to click to what’s going on. I think it deserves a Grammy!
God Bless
I LOVED it! I have to admit, the original song was one of my ‘party songs’ back in the day. And you had the lyrics just right! They matched the whole mood of the topic and the frightful videos you shared.
The people at the end appeared to be wearing half-bedsheets; reminded me of the Charlie Brown Halloween special. Except they were serious, I think. And no one had any visible enthusiasm in their ‘moves’, which kind of demonstrates the sad production the NO Mass has become. If a person can watch this and still think all is well in our new springtime church, they have likely chosen delusion.
Catchy song. But I noticed that, as I was watching those horrific scenes born of the Judas Council Revolution, a little smile of self-satisfaction developed on my face. “Those idiots. If they only knew what I know.” Not good.
We (still-surving grandparents) agree, Louie, that with abuses like those still going on after all these years, and so many modernists running things, the best solution starts with officially re-recognizing the TLM as #1 . But for that, we probably first need the final Miracle of Fatima, which our Lady said will come, but “late”.
We found one obviously ignored “rule” concerning “inculturation” in “Varietates Legitimae” [a document issued in 1994 by the Congregation for Divine Worship- to clarify the Council document on the Liturgy]. The Introduction’s paragraph #5 says it’s suppose to consist of:
Looks like the Pope thinks pop songs and dances (like the Tango) qualify as “permanent values of our culture”.
He seems to be turning Hilaire Belloc’s little poem about “The Marmozet”, into a fulfilled prophecy regarding the perception of our current leaders.
Belloc wrote:
“The species Man and Marmozet
Are intimately linked;
The Marmozet survives as yet,
But Men are all extinct.”
To loosely quote Colonel Kurtz: ….the affectation….the affection….the affectation.
Welcome back, Louie! If you ever have to “leave us” again, let us know so that we don’t have to worry about you.
This video is so sad! I can’t help but wonder if this is the kind of vision seen by Pope Leo XIII which caused him to faint in horror and which prompted him to compose the beautiful prayer to St. Michael—which, of course, the New Church no longer recites at the end of the New Mass.
Our Catholic Church is living through a nightmare. We must hold on to Tradition and reject the pathetic novelties of the N.O. “church”.
Keep up the good work, Louie. God bless you. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I wonder whether I would have converted, had I seen this video prior to reading Gilbert Chesterton.
As it was, Chesterton had placed in my mind such a compelling vision of the Catholic Church that I joined her in spite of what I saw at my first Mass.
The humanists, Protestants, and failed Catholics of my acquaintance don’t understand why I remain in Her bosom in spite of the confusion, corruption, and silly nonsense.
After the Warning (6th Seal in Apocalypse), the Remnant Church will begin a return to the Tridentine Mass. Get to know where those Masses are held now, because after the Abomination of Desolation begins – the taking away the continual sacrifice – the Novus Ordo then will make the current abuses look positively sacred. Based how the Synod efforts are proceeding, that seems likely in 2016.
Dear 2 cents, Louie had no choice about “leav[ing]” us! His website was maliciously attacked.
Dear Mr Verrecchio, I read your blog from a mobile phone (I don’t have a computer). Ever since your site came back, I can view only the mobile version. I’d much prefer to view the full “web” version as I could previously. Could you put a button at the end of a page that allows one to view the site in the full web version? Thank you. God bless. Lynda
TTTTTTTTTTTTTTThank you, Lynda. I was not aware of this even though I did suspect it.
I guess we could expect more of this adolescent behavior in the future.
A great video, although I think it could be improved by framing Louie and the top of his head a little better. Unlike the toupee worn by Donald Trump and Mike Voris, I think the top of Louie’s head is worth showing, even in the opening black and white Tradwriter screen. Louie looks better with his round noggin showing rather than getting a virtual flat top by the top video frame. There were a lot of flat tops back in the heady days of VII during the 60’s. Lobotomies were also prevalent then. I wonder if there’s a connection?
Blimey. What a heart-breaking montage of those claiming Christ in their title, whilst kissing the devil’s hell-mouth as if butter would melt. Constantly parading the burning of incense to Caesar as if Christ and Caesar, as if Christ and belial were one. As for the dancing at the ‘holy sacrifice’, where in the Gospels does it describe any of the disciples dancing while Christ was being Crucified?
‘Inculturation…is active participation.’ What the council therefore says, is that for 2000 years Catholics didn’t worship right. VII and its fruits – the NO – called for a reversal, a reliquishing, of the supernatural refining and attainment of 2000 years of Holy Ghost inspired Apostolic blessing. The Novus Ordo is so blatantly not the Voice of Holy Mother Church; unadulterated Bride of Christ. (If anyone is genuinely interested in facts about the manufacture of the Novus Ordo (as a strategic attack on Catholic worship) try and get a copy of ‘The Work of Human Hands’ by Fr. Cekada.)
The attempt by the Novus Ordo to silence and ‘disappear’ the authentic worshipful and solemn voice of the Church, One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic, has evil fruits and ‘chaotic conditions’. I sometimes think that VII had to redifine tolerance of false religions (that is to say, change authentic teaching) to respect, appreciation, in practice, participation, because they wanted the Novus Ordo – false – to be respected and appreciated. In typical mordernist fashion, therefore the opposite (and it is) – the Mass of all time – was to be denegrated and dismissed (they tried but they have failed.) ‘And the gates of hell shall not prevail.’
Dear TCA,
We’re sure your words hit home to many, like us, who despite coming from differing backgrounds, have found the Faith, and are intent on living it and passing it on, despite all the serious (often seemingly impossible) problems we encounter in the Church and all around us today. We find great consolation in the Mass, Rosary, Scriptures, Saints, and the Sacramental life, and from sharing ideas with others, who, like you, also recognize the transcndency of this great gift of God.
J.R.R. Tolkien put it into better words than we ever could, in a letter to his son Michael written November 1st, 1963. (pp. 337-339).
He wrote, in part:
“You speak of ‘sagging faith…In the last resort faith is an act of will, inspired by love. Our love may be chilled and our will eroded by the spectacle of the shortcomings, folly, and even sins of the Church and its ministers, but I do not think that one who has once had faith goes back over the line for these reasons (least of all anyone with any historical knowledge). ‘Scandal’ at most is an occasion of temptation – as indecency is to lust, which it does not make but arouses. It is convenient because it tends to turn our eyes away from ourselves and our own faults to find a scapegoat. But the act of will of faith is not a single moment of final decision: it is a permanent indefinitely repeated act > state which must go on – so we pray for ‘final perseverance’. The temptation to ‘unbelief’ (which really means rejection of Our Lord and His claims) is always there within us. Part of us longs to find an excuse for it outside us. The stronger the inner temptation the more readily and severely shall we be ‘scandalized’ by others. I think I am as sensitive as you (or any other Christian) to the scandals, both of clergy and laity. I have suffered grievously in my life from stupid, tired, dimmed, and even bad priests; but I now know enough about myself to be aware that I should not leave the church (which for me would mean leaving the allegiance of Our Lord) for any such reasons: I should leave because I did not believe, and should not believe anymore, even if I had never met anyone in orders who was not both wise and saintly. I should deny the Blessed Sacrament, that is: call our Lord a fraud to His face.
It goes on to talk of the wonderful fruits in the soul, of even one worthily made- Holy Communion. Very inspiring, and well worth the read, we think. God Bless you.
PS. For VII to suggest that the ‘good of the whole community’ requires ‘inculturation’ ‘even in the Liturgy’ basically means that Catholicity impedes the ‘good’. A thoroughly Protestant protest, a thoroughly schismatic statement, a thoroughly un-Christian triumphalist contribution.
PPS. The Hammer of the New Order continues: “In comments to Roman clergy yesterday Pope Francis referred to cases that “happen often” where bishops have accepted “traditionalist” seminarians who were rejected by other dioceses. Because “they presented themselves very well, very devout,” said the pope, the bishops failed to find out information about them, and they were later found to have “psychological and moral problems.” Ordaining such seminarians, said the pontiff, is like placing a “mortgage on the Church.”
Pot-kettle-black. Bergoglio teaches that Traditionalists have ‘psychological and moral problems” – only from the point of view of the world and the father of lies. From the POV of God, keep the Faith!
“Inculturation” (MS WORD seems to choke on that expression) was always an acceptable principle from the beginning of Church history. The development of the various rites, of which there are many, testifies to the understanding of the Church to the expression of the faith of the local community. The Roman rite is just another of those expressions and a later one at that. That moved me to question what was happening in all the other communities that make up the one, true, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I did some research to find how the Eastern Rites are reacting and responding to VII and even more to its present development. Has modernism any interest in those communities? I bring this up just to muse on the possibility of an “addition” to the Church’s rites where that “inculturation” would be identified under the rites of Pius V. Those who tend “culturally” in that direction would find their faith fulfilled under that banner as do the other rites. Of course, the entire Church is one in faith though that same faith is expressed liturgically and culturally in many ways. Sometimes it seems that collegiality reigns supreme except in the case of Traditional Catholics. That area is tightly held and dissected by centrality. The history of the Church has always been one of individual bishops nourishing the faith of their flock. I am sure we can easily see through the new political advancement of the “confraternity” approach to episcopal jurisdiction is but another clever rouse of the modernists to gain control on even the most local levels.
Much of my life, which is lengthy enough, has been exposed to the Protestant theory that the Roman Church is the whore of Babylon. I never even gave that any consideration, but things are looking very suspicious these decades. All that has happened seems to confirm that maybe the Protestants were always right about Tradition and liturgical practice. We are just catching up after 500 years. It may be that history will look back on this last century as the golden age and epitome of the Church Triumphant. I hope not.
Thanks for this wonderful quote. It also speaks to Alphonsusjr’s discernment that we can sometimes feel triumphant in our blessings of true Faith. We can and should feel terribly grateful to Our Lord for this blessing, be sad that others are blinded, and simply pray for them.
This quote tells me that I’m right: there is a treasure from the past just waiting for us to find – letters, Papal documents, writings of good people and Saints. No need to read NeoCatholic junk that perverts perennial truths of Holy Mother Church, and Tradition.
Part of the problem was pointed out to me the other day. In discussions with a friend he gave his interpretation of what happens at Mass: he perfectly described the Institution of The Blessed Sacrament on Holy Thursday evening – to wit, meal, the Lamb’s Supper etc.
Totally unknown to him, and millions, what happens at Mass is the day after Holy Thursday – Good Friday. We stand at the foot of the Cross and witness the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus to His Father. While some elements of Holy Thursday are present, Good Friday comes shining through and must be our focus.
This is, in my opinion, a vast misunderstanding that will have to be corrected if we are to get rid of the NO.
Sorry to contradict you, racaamo, but we have absolutely nothing to learn from Protestant sects. The idea of learning from them may not have been your intention, and I may be misreading your comment, but in my opinion, shared by many Popes and learned teachers, any sect that by nature deviates one iota from The Catholic Church has nothing to offer – nothing.
In these days of inclusion and tolerance this idea is ‘anathema’ but so be it.
As for individual bishops nourishing the faith of their flock – yes, but each individual bishop must adhere to what the Church teaches, and has always taught – without one iota of deviation. From what I can see this was always done – until collegiality became the flavour of the month, and bishops felt they had to ‘do it my way.’ Notwithstanding some bishops were bad bishops but seldom in any other way than human failure – deviation from the faith was seldom pushed.
Dear Barbara,
What makes it even more remarkable is the fact that Tolkien was talking about this overall need to keep in mind the essentials of our Faith and hold on to them, despite external failures, distractions and disappointments-including in priests- at a time when the TLM was still the norm and the N.O. had not yet been promulgated – before the end of VII -when most of these controversies and abuses took center stage.
Blogs and comment areas like this one have been an eye-opener to us, demonstrating that many decent people are searching for Truth about all these issues , but for a host of reasons, have chosen, or find themselves “belonging” to, one group or another which is at variance with all the others at present. THIS is the second most gut-wrenching situation we see, next to that of the apparent apostasy and loss of souls we’ve been witnessing for over half a century now. More divisions seem to keep popping up monthly.
On another hopeful note–
The “time of Peace” which Our Blessed Mother promised will come from God, can only exist, it would seem to us, when the most important matters of controversy are sufficiently settled in the Highest levels of the Church. Fatima contains real “promises of Christ” that go right along with those revealed in Scripture. They were given to the world obviously for this specific time of crisis in the Church and world- since 1917 and WWI -and fully confirmed as authentic by one of the most spectacular miracles of our time, as well as by the full authority of the Church -which studied it for decades before declaring it worthy of belief, i.e. not from Satan, but from God.
Can we even imagine right now, a time when with no more question about the orthodoxy of our leaders- locally or in Rome, or the validity of the Papacy, or the trust we place in those taking part in a papal election; or the wholesomeness of the Liturgical rite and PRACTICES being universally promoted by them; or the Truth and trustworthiness of the homilies and private advice (especially in Confessionals) of our priests? Communion –kneeling and on the tongue –and only after confession and abandonment of all mortal sins, and safeguards against sin of every kind being preached everywhere?
It takes the kind of Faith described by Tolkien above, to believe that something even close to that will emerge from all this. And yet Our Lady promised that something so unique IS coming that it will be recognizable as a gift of Peace granted by God to the WHOLE WORLD-for obedience to her requests, even though “late”.
With every additional beheading, crucifixion, bombing and burning in the news, along with the ongoing abuses of the Faithful from positions of power within the Church, the collegial consecration of Russia will ITSELF, be a great miracle. That’s one thing we who say we love the Church, can unite in bringing about right now. As Louie said, with prayer and fasting, and as Our Lady requested through the children by making personal sacrifices.
my dear salvemur,
These recent – are some of your best comments yet. You encourage me. May the Peace of His Majesty Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Peace not of this world, be to you.
dear Barbara,
You speak like a Catholic-
directly, unabashedly, without pretense, yet with fraternal charity. Like Mr. V. , if I may say, and it’s why I read him. Edifying nourishment for another Catholic to read such.
And I wish no disrespect to rcaamo.
Dear rcaamo,
We agree with Barbara’s concerns about this. Your suggestion that the Protestants may have “always been right” about Tradition and the Liturgy, strikes us as a dangerous path to trod. By definition, they are sects, founded by heretics, and history has shown they have continued to alter their beliefs over time -creating more and more factions–33,000 of them, according to the World Christian Encyclopedia–not one of which has the protection from error which Jesus promised specifically and only to the promulgated Dogma of the Church He founded -whose authority they reject.
Examining their ideas, to distinguish truth from falsehood in them, is a worthy project, but requires full knowledge of their errors, and an understanding of the subtle ramifications of each of them. We’ve got enough on our plates right now, sorting through all the stuff the modernists are still trying to “inculturate” through off the cuff remarks, homilies, “pastoral” practice “suggestions” and rigged Synod reports.
God bless, de Maria. God does not abandon those who don’t abandon Him! Ave’s for you and yours. The Rock of Ages does not fail and does not change.
The world has quite a lot of people who claim the title ‘Catholic Priest’, and who are openly doing daily apologetics for the father-of-lies. They champion liberalism, gay-pride, Islam, Judaism, Eastern Schismatics, Protestantism, whilst hating on the Flock of Christ who are simply cleaving to the Way, the Truth and the Life. These ‘shepherds’ have reliquished the authentic Magisterium of the True Papacy and they seem to want us to as well. But we won’t because we know we cannot.
There are SSPX Priests who are permitted to have a voice in ‘media’ and those precious few Catholic Priests who have concluded in this time of the invasion of the ‘chuch of darkness’ ‘sedevacantism’, by which we are privilaged to hear a Priest actually teach the Faith unadulterated. The endless mincing and slithering of the NO ‘priesthood’ about the Faith they supposedly live for makes one understand the words of Christ in Apocalypse of St John 3:16. If one had only the Novus Ordo and its ‘priesthood’ to go by one could be forgiven for believing that to be Christian means to slither, side-step, mince, and have a perpetual sympathy for the devil.
Christus Vincit!
Hello, Barbara. That ‘vast misunderstanding’ was a deliberate strategy:
– (The Novus Ordo Mass Broke [I would say, ‘attempts to break’] the Identity of the Church
(Six marks of the Novus Ordo)
Also the book ‘the Work of Human Hands’ which may be having reprint is presents the history of the strategy of the NO and its aims.
Sorry guys…that comment was made tongue in cheek so to speak as it was meant as sarcasm. One has to admit the modernist of today are following those errors line by line today. Even Paul VI gathered a group of protestants to help in the creation of the Novus Ordo. The errors of today can be traced dot by dot right back to that root of transformation. It was meant as a bit of mirth only.