To our regular readers and supporters:
More than a decade after the first post was published in this space, akaCatholic – despite our commitment to disseminate and defend even the most unpopular truths – still remains in existence for one reason and one reason alone:
The patience, grace, and goodness of Almighty God, so often made manifest via our generous supporters.
Please be informed that our efforts now fall under the newly created akaCatholic Foundation, Inc., a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.
If you are a current monthly PayPal donor, I encourage you to cancel that donation. You may initiate a new tax deductible donation via the banner below. Moving forward, we will no longer link to the old PayPal account.
Needless to say, all future donations to akaCatholic Foundation, Inc. will be tax deductible. The address is below for those who prefer to support our efforts the old fashioned way.
akaCatholic Foundation, Inc. – 3210 Eves Way – Hampstead, MD 21074
On another note…
I am presently in the process of doing what is necessary to relaunch the akaCatholic podcast. This time around, however, I would like to include guests as often as possible and I’d be interested in your suggestions. Bear in mind, while your Uncle Bob might be a great guy with lots of interesting ideas, I have in mind persons “of note” (sounds snobbish, I know, but hopefully you get the point), e.g., a cleric, a theologian, or someone with at least some presence in Catholic media.
I should also mention that by no means do I wish to exclude from the podcast persons with whom I disagree. In fact, those would likely make for the most interesting segments. You may email suggestions regarding guests and topics of interest to:
Thank you most sincerely to all who regularly visit these pages. I greatly appreciate each and every one of you.