From Denver Post, Feb. 26, 2013:
The parents of a transgender 6-year-old have filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division because Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain banned the first-grader from using the girls’ restroom. The child, Coy Mathis, was born male but identifies as female.
She had attended the school since December 2011 before being pulled out by her parents … Coy Mathis wears girls’ clothing, and students and staff used female pronouns when referring to her.
Reading this article reminded me of a column I wrote back in July 2011, which read in part:
I think we can fully expect the “transgendered rights” movement to ratchet things up in the months ahead … For instance, according to the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), “gender” is nothing more than “the societally-determined characteristics of a particular sex.” No room for the objective truth, “male and female He created them,” here.
Perhaps the saddest thing these causes [transgender / homosexual activism] have in common, however, is the fact that the unfortunate people who consider themselves “transgendered” are largely being left to suffer as progressive do-gooders turn a blind eye to their plight while congratulating themselves for their “open-mindedness.”
According to a recent NCTE survey, “A staggering 41 percent of [transgendered] respondents reported attempting suicide compared to 1.6 percent of the general population.”
Yet, God forbid anyone should be so “intolerant” as to suggest that “transgendered” people are suffering from an illness and deserve something more substantial in the way of treatment than some liberal chirping in their ear about how O.K. they are.
So, how did poor Coy come by his mental illness, and when did it begin to manifest itself?
According to the Denver Post, “She [the child’s mother] said that as soon as Coy began to talk, she insisted she was a girl, not a boy.”
B – as in BULL, S- as in, well… you know.
The suggestion that a little boy who is just beginning to master the ability to communicate verbally just suddenly announced “I’m a girl!” without any history of psychological abuse at the hands of confused and incompetent parents, is preposterous.
And sure enough… The Parents-of-the-Year, Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis, in a recent interview with Katie Couric, provided some telling details:
By the age of 18 months (when children aren’t exactly stringing together complex sentences like, “Gee, mommy, I really feel like wearing a sundress today”), already it was clear to the parents that this child is a girl trapped in a boy’s body.
According to mom, Kathryn (who just by coincidence did 90% of the talking while the, ahem… man of the house just sat there), that’s when Coy “started being drawn towards everything girl. Some of her favorite items included a fairy flower dress with a matching tutu and a Dora the Explorer bathing suit.”
I guess it’s a good thing year-and-a-half old Coy wasn’t drawn to the shiny silver things in the cutlery drawer since it never occurred to these fools that dressing their little boy up like a china doll wasn’t in his best interest.
At age four, according to the parents, “He wanted to know when we were going to take him to the doctor so that they would give him girl parts so that his body would be a girl.”
Are you kidding me? What four year old child, who should be living in the innocent world of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Dr. Seuss, has any idea whatsoever that mentally ill human beings are having their genitals surgically mutilated? I wonder where he got that idea?
“It reached breaking-point when Coy refused to leave the house because she didn’t want to change into boys’ clothes.”
Imagine the parents’ shock wondering where that damned “breaking point” came from!
Here’s the reality of the situation:
Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis are guilty of child abuse. They’ve applied their own twisted gender-bending ideas to an innocent child who is now destined to be burdened with psychological baggage, likely for the rest of his life.