At the Vatican earlier today, Francis delivered a greeting to a delegation from the anti-human trafficking organization,Talitha Kum.
Referring to human trafficking as a “terrible social scourge,” he went on to warn that it “continually finds new ways to infiltrate our societies the world over.”
Of course, one of the ways that this happens is when traffickers exploit lax, nonexistent, or unenforced immigration laws – such as in the United States under the Biden Administration – to usher often underaged victims into the hands of those who intend to abuse and enslave them.
While partisans quibble over an exact figure, no one with even an ounce of credibility is able to deny that the U.S. government is unable to locate many thousands of immigrant children (perhaps as many as several hundred thousand) that were handed over to unvetted sponsors since Biden took office in 2021. [See whistleblower testimony before a Homeland Security Subcommittee, November 21, 2024]
“In the face of this tragedy, we must not remain indifferent,” His Hypocrite told the Talitha Kum delegation.
This is the same Francis who, in 2016, declared: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”
He was referring, of course, to the then-incoming presidential administration’s plans for securing the U.S. southern border in order to regulate (not eliminate) immigration.
With the immigration situation a major presidential campaign issue, in a May 2024 interview with 60-Minutes, Francis once again criticized efforts to secure the U.S. border as “madness,” a transparent attempt to sway the upcoming election.
Several months later, in August, he stated:
It needs to be said clearly: There are those who systematically work by all means to drive away migrants, and this, when done knowingly and deliberately, is a grave sin.
This would strongly suggest that every nation on earth is strictly obligated to welcome every migrant that shows up on its doorstep, something the Catholic Church does not, and never has, held to be true.
Most recently, in January, Francis said that the current administration’s plans to deport those in the U.S. illegally “will be a disgrace, because it makes the poor wretches, who have nothing, pay the bill.”
Needless to say, among those “poor wretches” are murderers, rapists, and gang members, none of whom are welcome to take up residence in the well-fortified confines of Vatican City State.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Trump & Co. are not exactly models of Catholic social doctrine. In a future post we’ll discuss the stunning degree to which this administration is shamelessly Hell bent on – forget making America great – serving the Zionist cause for Greater Israel (aka Greater Genocide, Greater Land Theft, Greater Persecution, etc.), and how this is due not so much to political ineptitude but rather to heresy.
For now, let it be said (once again) that Jorge Bergoglio, far from being the Vicar of Christ, is showing himself to be a willing tool of the globalist elite, godless scoundrels whose dream of world domination is antithetical to the rule of law and national sovereignty.
NOTE: I’m fortunate. I rarely get sick, but for the last ten days or so I’ve been somewhat out of commission due to what I suppose is a nasty case of the flu. No complaints. I haven’t had anything like it for more than 15 years. It’s my turn.
In any case, many readers have recently reached out via email. On a good day, I am hard pressed to reply directly. So please, don’t imagine that no reply means you’re being ignored. I’m happy to hear from all of you.
To those who suggested potential podcast guests, THANK YOU! I’ve been working hard to create a suitable set up and to make the necessary arrangements. I’ve been in touch with several would-be guests and will keep you posted as dates are set and commitments are made. Stay tuned.