On March 12, 2025, The Freepress published an editorial pushing the most ubiquitous fake news story ever to pollute social media since the COVIDS captured the imagination of gullible maskateers the world over.
Author: Timothy Dolan, Archbuffoon of New York.
Topic: The rising threat of anti-Semitism.
Like the panic-inducing coronavirus myth that preceded it, the anti-Semitism gone wild narrative is also a shameless propaganda campaign that seeks to distract the masses from criminal acts of malfeasance, burying them as deeply as possible under a series of baldfaced lies designed to play on the emotions of a naïve but well-meaning audience.
Dolan writes:
Not long after the October 7, 2023, atrocity in Israel, which irrationally unleashed a new viral strain of Jew-hatred…
CORRECTION: What His Bombacity and others like him call “Jew-hatred” is actually a new viral strain of awareness.
Over the past year or so, formerly ill-informed persons (some of whom identify as Jewish) have come to the undeniable realization that Zionism – as well as the terrorist state that it birthed nearly eight decades ago – are, and have always been, a diabolical scourge on humanity.
Dolan was right to point to October 7, 2023, as an inflection point, but he failed to make note of its greatest significance.
The Hamas terrorist attack on Israel that day was most certainly an atrocity, one that resulted in the death of over 1,000 Israelis and foreign nationals. What Dolan left out, however, are the numerous credible reports from Jewish sources, including Israeli media, indicating that the Netanyahu government knew ahead of time that the attack was coming and did nothing to prevent it.
Even apart from such reports, it beggars belief that a ragtag group of terrorists flying ultralight aircraft – the equivalent of hang gliders powered by go-cart engines – managed to breach one of the most heavily surveilled and secure borders in the entire world.
Dolan also failed to mention that among the Israelis who lost their lives that day are persons who were killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) itself. This reportedly happened as the IDF carried out what is called the “Hannibal Directive,” a tactic whereby Israeli citizens of whatever number are knowingly mowed down by their own military in order to take out even a single enemy combatant.
The modern state of Israel was born out of just such disregard for the value of human life, including that of Jewish people.
Consider, for example, the infamous King David Hotel bombing.
In 1946, two years prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel, when Palestine was being administered under the British Mandate, the Zionist terrorist group known as Irgun, with the approval of its more prominent sister group, Haganah, bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which was functioning as the central office for the British authorities.
Within that hotel at the time were documents that contained incriminating evidence implicating the Jewish Agency, part of the World Zionist Organization, in attacks against the British Mandatory in order to hasten the turnover of Palestine to their control.
In an attempt to destroy that evidence, Irgun terrorists planted a bomb in the basement of the hotel, knowing full well that its detonation would end up killing Jews as well as Brits, and anyone else, women and children included, who were unlucky enough to be present that day.
Terrible, right? But wait, there’s more.
The bomb-planting Jewish terrorists, in the manner of the Master Deceiver in whose service they were enlisted, disguised themselves as Arabs. That way, if any suspicious activity was noticed and reported, blame would fall on the Arabs, thus maintaining perpetual victim status for the Jews! Are you seeing a pattern?
Terrible, right? But wait, there’s more.
On July 22, 1946, the bomb exploded, with the detonation taking place right around noontime during the hustle and bustle of a typical Monday. Remember, the primary purpose of the mission was to destroy evidence, but for these godless goons, that wasn’t enough. They also made it a point to time the attack in such a way that it would inflict maximum human suffering and death.
In all, there were ninety-one people killed, while forty-six were injured. Among the dead were seventeen Jews.
Terrible, right? But wait, there’s more.
The names of the lead terrorists who served as heads of Irgun and Haganah may sound familiar:
– David Ben Gurion, head of Haganah, the man who proclaimed the Declaration on the Establishment of the State of Israel, on May 14, 1948, served as Israel’s first Prime Minister until 1953, with a second term lasting from 1955 to 1963.
– Moshe Dayan, who served as Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1953-1958) among a number of other prominent positions in Israeli government, though never Prime Minister, was also a member of Haganah.
– Menachem Begin, head of Irgun, became Prime Minister of Israel on June 21, 1977.
Having introduced this limited lineup of Israel’s “Founding Fathers,” let’s now return to the Freepress op-ed.
More significant still, and also unmentioned by Dolan, is the fact that October 7, 2023, marks the beginning of an even greater human tragedy, namely, the IDF’s ongoing genocide campaign in Gaza which, by all reasonable estimates, has killed well in excess of 10,000 Palestinian women and children.
And this was the point all along.
All indications are that the Hamas terrorist attack was, at the very least, allowed by Israeli leadership with the expectation that it would justify in the eyes of the world the brutal ethnic cleansing operation that followed.
That strategy backfired miserably. It was a monumental miscalculation aided in no small measure by footage, broadcast globally, showing the IDF turning Gaza, which Human Rights Watch had previously described as a “concentration camp,” into a smoking pile of human remains and rubble.
Having failed to secure the desired verdict in the court of public opinion, the Israeli PR machine decided to launch an appeal based upon the well-worn grounds of anti-Semitic victimhood.
Ordinary folk, including a considerable number of Jews – who cannot help but recognize genocidal war crimes when they see them – are not convinced that “he hates me” is a reasonable defense for IDF snipers using children for target practice, or bombing hospitals, or preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the starving refugee class they created, etc.
The anti-Semitism plea does, however, appear to be enjoying limited success, in particular among so-called Christian Zionists. [Among them, President Donald J. Trump and a considerable number of his cabinet members. We’ll save this topic for another day.]
Enter Judeo-heretic Timothy Dolan, who wrote in his Freepress editorial:
The Church’s stance on antisemitism is unequivocal. Our Savior was a faithful Jew killed by the Roman occupiers of Judea. He died for the sins of all mankind. According to our faith, Jesus brought about a New Covenant that exists side-by-side with the Old Covenant between God and the Jewish people. As Pope Saint John Paul II often observed, “God’s covenant with the Jews is unbreakable.”
To be more precise, the Church’s stance on the matter of actual “Jew hatred” is very clear. As Pope Pius XI once stated:
Abraham is called our patriarch, our ancestor. It is not possible for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism… Anti-Semitism is inadmissible. Spiritually, we are Semites. (See La Documentation Catholique, 1938)
In that same year, as tensions between Germans and Jews were escalating, the Holy Father repeated the Church’s insistence that discrimination against humanity “according to nationality and race” is not only a mistaken idea, “the whole spirit of that doctrine is contrary to faith in Christ.” (See Fattorini, p. 176: in La Civiltà Cattolica, 5 July 2008, p. 17).
It is quite clear that the Holy Father understood “anti-Semitism,” not as it has been redefined by the perpetual victim class to include a near endless array of subjective offenses, but rather as a form of ethnic discrimination and persecution.
As for the mind numbingly evil quote from John Paul II, God’s covenant with the Jews most certainly is breakable. In point of fact, it was broken. Not by God, of course. He fulfilled it. The Jews, however, did break it, utterly and completely. Don’t take it from me, consider what Our Lord Jesus Christ had to say:
“He who rejects me, rejects Him who sent me.” – Luke 10:16
Dolan continued:
Our Savior was a faithful Jew killed by the Roman occupiers of Judea.
Just as there are sins of commission and omission, there are two kinds of lies, namely, that which is stated plainly, and that which is deliberately withheld.
According to St. Paul, who knew very well that the Romans had carried out the execution of Our Lord, “the Jews killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men.” (cf 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15)
Timothy Dolan wouldn’t dare read this Divinely inspired text aloud before an audience of even one, much less cite it in an op-ed written to comfort those who reject Christ. (Just in case you’re wondering, the above passage from 1 Thessalonians did not make its way into the Novus Ordo cycle of readings. Shocked? Yeah. Me neither.)
Dolan’s lie by omission is bad enough, but what should me make of what comes next?
According to our faith, Jesus brought about a New Covenant that exists side-by-side with the Old Covenant between God and the Jewish people. As Pope Saint John Paul II often observed…
While many readers presumably feel compelled to respond with shouts of Liar! Liar!, it seems to me that, in this instance, Dolan is speaking truthfully.
If by “our faith” he is referring to his own faith, and the faith of Karol Wojtyla, the same that was professed by Vatican Council II – and we all know that he is – then he is speaking with integrity.
You see, the false religion of the conciliar church has been made crystal clear in numerous ways over the past six decades, leaving no doubt whatsoever that it holds to the blatant heresy that the New Covenant exists side-by-side with the Old.
In other words, like every other man-of-the-Council, Dolan believes that the Jews (unbeknownst to St. Peter, the rest of the Apostles, the Doctors of the Church, her approved theologians, and every pre-conciliar pope who ever lived) are grandfathered in, that is to say that they are in sole possession of a special salvation pass that allows them to reject, and even blaspheme, Our Lord en route to eternal bliss in Heaven.
Could there be a more flagrant repudiation of the entire Catholic faith?
As St. Paul wrote to the Hebrews out of genuine love and concern for their salvation (something Timothy Dolan and the conciliar church lack entirely), the Lord has delivered on His promise (see Jeremiah 31:31-34) of making a New Covenant with the house of Israel, in Christ, such that the Old is made obsolete. (cf Hebrew 8:13)
What Dolan is plainly and publicly stating – contra Sacred Scripture, no doubt with full knowledge – is tantamount to declaring that Our Lord Jesus Christ died for nothing.
For if justice be by the law, then Christ died in vain. (Gal 2:21)
More could be said of Dolan’s shameful editorial but, mercifully, I will end with this:
If by now it isn’t patently clear that the conciliar church and its leaders are not Catholic, then one is either brutally ignorant or culpably complicit. For those of you who are neither, speak up now, before it’s too late. I have in mind most especially those whom God has allowed to serve as teachers, lecturers, or in some form of Catholic media.
Silence isn’t an option in this case, it’s a sin of omission.
[NOTE: A Lenten mortification opportunity awaits those who choose to follow the Freepress link provided to read the entire thing.]