I recently had the pleasure of joining Kevin Davis, an American living in Germany and the host of the Catholic Family Podcast, to discuss matters of interest to so-called “traditional” Catholics.
For those unfamiliar, the Catholic Family Podcast is “a Traditional Catholic channel dedicated to providing entertaining, wholesome and hopefully edifying content” that more than lives up to its billing.
In the episode below, we discuss how the Bergoglian Regime, even with respect to its most outrageous activities, is really nothing more than a continuation of the conciliar revolution. Among the examples cited in this conversation are the upcoming Synod on Synodality and Amoris Laetitia.
In the following episode, Kevin and I discuss the recently concluded World Youth Day in Lisbon, and how it too is merely one in a long line of revolutionary activities that grew out of the Council.
Lastly, in the following episode of the “What is a Woman?” podcast (audio only), an offering of the Catholic Family Podcast Channel, the hosts (a mother and daughter) discuss my recent article Kiddie Make-Believe Mass: Is it truly edifying? from the perspective of “traditional Catholic” (if you’ll pardon the redundancy) mothers of small boys. Their take may surprise you.
This topic – more specifically, my commentary on it – continues to arouse passionate feelings on the part of readers. I intend to revisit the matter on the akaCatholic Podcast at some point in the near future, hopefully with a noteworthy guest who disagrees with my views, which should make for a lively and interesting discussion. On this note, there is a CMRI priest who vehemently denounced my position on Twitter. I have invited him to join me on the podcast. Hopefully he will accept. We’ll see…
In addition to the the episodes above, take some time to explore all that the Catholic Family Podcast Channel has to offer. Kevin Davis is doing good work that I’m sure our regular readers will find useful and worthy of support.