‘Contemporary science recognizes that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) is part of the natural spectrum of human identity.”
Category: Blog Post
A Poor Man’s Psalter: Just in time for Lent
Without a doubt, the rosary is a “book on a string,” symbolically containing all wisdom and truth.
St. Peter Damian Slays the German Synodal Way
“For God’s sake, why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?”
Profile in Courage: George Cardinal Pell
I have fond memories of Cardinal Pell, who played a considerable part in helping me find authentic Catholic tradition.
Exposé: The German Bishops’ Advancement of Sodomy
Perhaps, most importantly, there is a call for a Third Vatican Ecumenical Council to implement Synodal Way doctrinal and administrative changes in the Church.
UK MP Suspended for Holocaust, Inc. Trademark Violation
Holocaust, Inc. is truly nothing more than the marketing arm of a broader progressive humanist enterprise…
The Two Faces of Georg Ganswein
Gänswein appears to make a stand for tradition while, at the same time, peddling the conciliar, Novus Ordo lie.
The Hidden Testament of BXVI: More evidence
Catholic social media has been inundated with tweets and posts declaring “Benedict barred Biden from attending his funeral!”
BXVI’s Funeral: No Roman Canon? Thank God!
If you consider yourself “traditional” in the least, cease complaining about the Roman Canon’s absence at Benedict’s funeral.
Remembering Benedict: Testaments, Legends and Outright Lies
Be on guard for an increase in Vatican fakery as the Bergoglians are certain to make use of Benedict’s death to further their diabolical aims.