In the previous post, we took a look at Timothy Dolan’s recent editorial in The Freepress…
Category: Blog Post

Dolan Reaffirms the Conciliar Judeo-Apostasy
On March 12, 2025, The Freepress published an editorial pushing the most ubiquitous fake news…

Is a future true pope guaranteed?
Sedevacantists are often challenged to explain – if indeed the Chair of Peter has been…

akaCatholic Podcast: The Zionist Deception
Maybe you’ve noticed. The United States is presently being governed by the most radically pro-Zionist…

A Lenten Prayer: “Lord, that I may see!”
The Gospel reading for Quinquagesima Sunday, taken from Luke 18, tells of Our Lord’s healing…

Liturgical Book Burning: Is it traditional?
I recently had the great pleasure of engaging in a lengthy discussion with an admirable…

Is Papa Parolin waiting in the wings?
Let me begin by dispelling any accusations that I am either actively hoping for Francis’…

On Conversion: Saul, Francis & the Thesis
Several weeks ago, I wrote about a “Novena for the Conversion of Pope Francis” in…

Bergoglio on Immigration: The evidence mounts
The big buzz on Catholic social media this week concerned the “surprise” letter from Francis…

The Council’s Origins: Heaven or Hell?
As reported by Catholic News Agency (CNA), Catholic University of Valencia recently gave an honorary…