Today in Singapore, Jorge Bergoglio (stage name, Francis) took part in an “Interreligious Meeting with Young People.” There, he professed unadulterated, incontestable heresy. Speaking in Italian (with an English translator by his side) he said:
Tutte le religioni sono un cammino per arrivare a Dio. Sono – di una comparazione – come diverse lingue, diversi idiomi, per arrivare lì. Ma Dio è Dio per tutti. E poiché Dio è Dio per tutti, noi siamo tutti figli di Dio. “Ma il mio Dio è più importante del tuo!”. È vero questo? C’è un solo Dio, e noi, le nostre religioni sono lingue, cammini per arrivare a Dio. Qualcuno Sikh, qualcuno Musulmano, qualcuno Indù, qualcuno Cristiano, ma sono diversi cammini.
For those interested, the video below is cued to that exact moment:
The Vatican website provides a largely accurate account of what was said (in Italian). The plain meaning of Bergoglio’s words, in English, are as follows:
All religions are a path to arrive at God. They are, of a comparison, like different languages, different idioms, to arrive there. But God is God for everyone. And since God is God for everyone, we are all children of God. “But my God is more important than yours!” Is this true? There is only one God, and we, our religions are languages, paths to arrive at God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian, but they are different paths.
As the video shows, the translator provided a reasonable real-time translation.
There are two heresies here. The most blatant concerns his profession of equality between the false religions (by name no less!) and Christianity, presenting them as merely different paths to the one true God. Perhaps less obvious to some is the assertion that the unbaptized enjoy divine sonship along with those who are baptized in Christ.
None of this is new, or in any way out of character, for Francis. What makes it noteworthy, however, is the fact that he left no wiggle room for those who may wish to spin what was actually said in an attempt to tamp down the heresy, i.e., to obscure the objective sense of his words to give them at least a tinge of Catholic flavor.
That didn’t stop the Vatican PR machine from trying, however. The English translation that they provided reads:
Religions are seen as paths trying to reach God. I will use an analogy, they are like different languages that express the divine. But God is for everyone, and therefore, we are all God’s children. “But my God is more important than yours!”. Is this true? There is only one God, and religions are like languages that try to express ways to approach God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian.
I suppose one might call this an act of deception, but a more accurate observation is that it’s a bald-faced lie, i.e., the bureaucrats working in the PR Department at Conciliar Church headquarters have deliberately chosen to heap sin upon heresy.
Once again, this is nothing new, but it does suggest an awareness, and a fear, that Bergoglio’s latest heresy is so utterly incompatible with the Catholic faith that even the largely complacent cannot help but take notice. To be clear, it’s not concern for the salvation of souls that motivates them to spin the unspinnable here; it’s actually the exact opposite.
What evidently concerns the diabolical tools that presently occupy the Vatican is that, this time, Jorge’s heresy is so incredibly straightforward that it threatens to substantially blow their cover, revealing the entire enterprise as the cheap counterfeit that it truly is, even in the eyes of the dreadfully naïve. If that should happen (Satan forbid!), large numbers of souls presently whistling their way toward Hell might be moved to renounce their membership in the conciliar church in favor of the Catholic Church.
In conclusion, it bears repeating that Francis is far from unique. The conciliar church has always believed that all religions lead to God, which is precisely why its leadership has never bothered to call anyone to convert to the one true faith. On the contrary, they have consistently labored to confirm the followers of false religions in their errors, including the “Jews” of our time (in Latin, Nostra Aetate), who openly reject the Lord Jesus.
As the historical record plainly suggests, Jorge Bergoglio is simply the latest in a decades-long line of syncretist heretics in white merely posing as the Vicar of Christ.