Today, the so-called Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation for the Synod on the Amazon, Querida Amazonia, was published. It’s a 16,000 word document, a mere pamphlet compared to other Bergoglian texts. Even so, it will take some time for me to digest.
Right out of the gate (Article 2), however, one finds an extremely important sentence that many, I suspect, will miss:
“I will not go into all of the issues treated at length in the final document. Nor do I claim to replace that text or to duplicate it.”
Here, Jorge is referring to the Final Document of the Amazon Synod that was issued in November. Pay close attention: Nor do I claim to replace it… This means that “Francis,” as he is wont to be known, is bestowing his approval upon the contents of that text in all of its glory.
Readers may recall the motu proprio, Episcopalis Communio, that he issued in September 2018, whereby he ordered changes to the Synod of Bishops. It included the following statement concerning a Synod’s final document:
Having received the approval of the Members, the final Document of the Assembly is offered to the Roman Pontiff, who decides to publish it. If expressly approved by the Roman Pontiff, the final document participates in the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter.
If the Roman Pontiff granted the deliberative power to the Assembly of the Synod, in accordance with can. 343 of the Code of Canon Law, the Final Document participates in the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter once ratified and promulgated by him.
We will take a closer look at “can. 343 of the Code of Canon Law” momentarily.
NB: While Francis appears to have refrained from “expressly approving” the Amazon Synod Final Document, Querida Amazonia amounts to an underhanded way of effectively doing just that; he simply reworded the action to say, I officially present it.
His intention in this matter becomes clearer in the next article:
At the same time, I would like to officially present the Final Document, which sets forth the conclusions of the Synod, which profited from the participation of many people who know better than myself or the Roman Curia the problems and issues of the Amazon region, since they live there, they experience its suffering and they love it passionately. I have preferred not to cite the Final Document in this Exhortation, because I would encourage everyone to read it in full. [Emphasis added]
NB: In the present “Exhortation,” Francis is “officially presenting the Final Document!”
Among the things found in that text is the following run-on sentence:
Considering that legitimate diversity does not harm the communion and unity of the Church, but rather expresses and serves it (cf. LG13; OE 6), witness the plurality of existing rites and disciplines, we propose that criteria and dispositions be established by the competent authority, within the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests suitable and respected men of the community with a legitimately constituted and stable family, who have had a fruitful permanent diaconate and receive an adequate formation for the priesthood, in order to sustain the life of the Christian community through the preaching of the Word and the celebration of the Sacraments in the most remote areas of the Amazon region. [Emphasis added]
Lumen Gentium 26, referenced above, simply describes the authority and the activities of local bishops, who are said to be, among other things, “dispensers of sacred Orders.”
Now, let’s take a look at “can. 343 of the Code of Canon Law.” It reads:
It is for the synod of bishops to discuss the questions for consideration and express its wishes but not to resolve them or issue decrees about them unless in certain cases the Roman Pontiff has endowed it with deliberative power, in which case he ratifies the decisions of the synod.
Connecting the dots:
By way of Articles 2 and 3 of Querida Amazonia, Francis has effectively ratified the decisions of the Amazon Synod as expressed in the Final Document, and furthermore, he is letting the bishops of that region know that he intends to see that text received and implemented as if “it participates in the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter.” (See motu proprio, Episcopalis Communio)
Long story short, folks, Jorge just gave the green light to the bishops of Amazonia to get busy establishing the “criteria and dispositions” necessary to begin forming and treating “permanent deacons” – the presumption being all of them unless they demonstrate otherwise – exactly in the same way in which the conciliar church presently treats “transitional deacons.”
So, it won’t be long before those bishops begin “ordaining as priests suitable and respected men of the community with a legitimately constituted and stable family.” From there, one can be certain that this practice will spread throughout the conciliar church.
So, this is sad. I think that it is clear to MANY, not ALL, that this false New Order religion has picked up some decent velocity in the wrong direction, the direction that it came out of the gates with upon it’s creation. This is why we are Catholic and not members of false religions; we know they are all off the path and will continue to go afield whilst we stand safe and firm on the rock of Peter. But our responsibility is to evangelize those lost souls, pray for them, etc., it’s not to improve their false religion. I know something that would help us evangelize them, having THE ROCK OF PETER. Have I mentioned that the CATHOLIC BISHOPS need to elect a Pope? I know In caritas, you say they’re invalid, gotcha. Everyone else, look to these Bishops, ask them to do their duty. Yes, under normal circumstances that would be to provide you Priests and Sacraments. NOT when there is NO Pope; now their responsibility is to give you a POPE. Find out why they are not. Maybe they aren’t valid? I don’t know but you all better find out, now. You are doing something wrong here.
Does Bergoglio mean men married to wives or men married to “partners”.
Congrats Bergy! You show those stubborn neo pelagians who’s the boss. Afterall, Franky, Christ gave you to keys to the Kingdom, not Matt or Skojec or the Lefebrvites. You are the interpreter of Tradition, not them. They’re job is to assent. Ad Multos Annos, Franky. Keep on showing the world that your institution is no longer the Catholic Church established by Christ. I am a little disappointed that you haven’t approved wymen priestesses yet.
Once again, Louie, you seem to be one of the very few who understands Francis and the way he operates. So pathetic that the majority of his defenders believe that they have now been vindicated. But logic alone would tell them that he didn’t arrange all of this so he could just maintain the status quo, of course not. Being Francis, he has to work his destruction in an underhanded way, as always.
These “married men” latterly discerning a holy vocation to the priesthood, will, of course, have received the prior free consent of the wife to live in pure continence, a Josephite marriage, all his children will have been reared . . .
These heretics attack all the Sacraments all of the time.
Lord, God have mercy upon us for our failures to suffer for Thy Sake as we ought, even unto death. Grant us the grace of final perseverance in the One Holy Catholic Faith! Grant us holy fearlessness and endurance. Viva Cristo Rey!
When the word came out what, yesterday, that the exhortation did not approve married priests or female deacons, I thought, he’s delaying it for now, but he’ll get to it. This delay may be due to Cdl. Sarah and Benedict’s book, it may not. What it does is what I believe motivates Bergoglio more than even his heretical accomplishments.
He needs to be the center of attention. Has he not been the center of attention, everyone waiting so expectantly, he is a czar, “what’s he going to do next?”. This is opium to Bergoglio, he enjoys very much, dangling the sword over the heads of faithful Catholics, making us wonder which way it’s going to swing.
So this stretches out that process a bit, yes?
He’s an evil man who hates Catholicism, probably God, certainly Christ, and us.
He’s going to do as much damage as possible, then do more, for as long as God allows. Whether he’s pope, or he’s not, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. The damage is done. God can undo it, but we can’t. We can pray for an end to it, and ask God to keep us faithful no matter what. For our part, we want nothing to do with these heretics. No money, no Mass with them. Latin Rite, or nothing.
Meanwhile, “Pope” Ratzinger remains silent.
Based on some Church councils that had infallible definitions and which the pope did not attend himself, but rather sent delegates. Francis if he was actually a pope, could make a document of a synod into a document of the magisterium. If a real pope approves of documents of a synod and the documents contain articles on taith and morals that contradict previous documents of the magisterium. That would constitute the authentic fallible magisterium and simply be heresy that needs to be condemned by the pope and all the faithful.
I imagine the schismatic and illicit New Novel Rite can break with apostolic tradition (a tradition so long standing we know it’s the Will of God) in the same manner the eastern rites have concerning the ordination of married man (married to a women) to the priesthood. So the problem is the “best of a sorry lot,” as you say, are acting like the New Novel Rite is the Roman Rite, but a good number of us traditionalists don’t see it that way!
There have been over 18,000 married incontinent so called ordained married deacons running around on Catholic Altars for over 50-60 years without a peep out of anyone. It’s actually surprising how long it took to push this envelope on ordaining incontinent married priests. After all what’s the big deal we have hundreds of married incontinent so called ordained priest running around today also without so much as a peep out of anyone. This is what we get for looking the other way on NFP and the redefining of the primary purpose of marriage to be simply the unity of the couple. If we can redefine marriage and its purpose we certainly can redefine the priesthood and it’s purpose.
Dear Melanie,
Why would you possibly care what, “In caritas”, says as to quote you, “In caritas, you say they’re invalid, gotcha.”? Melanie, I don’t say any such thing, rather I fully and utterly submit to it, as the Vicar of Christ, Pope Leo XIII teaches this infallibly with his full Apostolic power and Authority in, “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio”, section 6. Amen. Alleluia. What is it that you do not understand and submit to, as Pope Leo XIII commands this as the Vicar of Christ in this world, with his singular as divine power to bind and loose? You Melanie, simply do not, as you cannot hold the divine and Catholic Faith, while at one and the same time reject or dismiss what the living, divine, perpetual as unending and unchanging, Ordinary and Universal Magisterium teaches; as the reality that you could both hold the divine Faith and not hold the divine Faith at the same time, has metaphysical non-being as it is absurd, it simply does not exist in Truth. Amen. You are getting closer to Truth Melanie but you must submit to the Reality as it simply Is. You cannot reject this reality as it is and at the same time be truly Catholic, as in freely receiving the divine and Catholic Faith into the operation of your will, as you have utterly NO POWER OVER IT. The Christ commands: “You will KNOW them by their fruits.” You are to be known by your fruits as is every miserable human wretch, dear Melanie. You are known and you are not now holding the divine and Catholic Faith. It does not matter what you believe simply because you believe it, rather it only matters that what you believe is Truth. You evidence your belief in the lie as yet, as you reject the clear teaching of the Magisterium showing us how to KNOW false Shepherds unto the Last Day. The Christ commanded they would come. Amen. Clear Magisterial teaching that is for anyone of the few left on this earth who actually hold the One true Faith as freely in their wills. It is ONLY BY THE RECEPTION OF THE FAITH, that these simple truths can be seen. When you do not see them, it can only be because you do not hold the Faith. Amen. Alleluia. I pray that you receive the Faith dearest Melanie. It is clear that you hunger for true Justice, as that which is truly due the other and writ large in this time of desolation after the very person of Antichrist, the false king. Amen. In caritas.
Dear Lynda,
You posit the claim, “these heretics attack all the Sacraments all of the time.”. What, “Sacraments”, do you speak of? Whose, “Sacraments”, do you speak of? Where are these, “Sacraments”, of which you opine? You write in platitudes of unmitigated, heretical error and of course you do not even know that you do. Prove Apostolic Succession for these, “Sacraments”, Lynda or you are damned to Hell for receiving them if you cannot. Not with moral certitude as the conscience is dark, rather with apodictic certitude as any Catholic must have when approaching Sacraments, while simply knowing the infallible teaching of, “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio”, “Satis Cognitum”, “Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis”, and the Vatican Council, in this time of the desolation of Antichrist. Amen. Alleluia. Why would you possibly care what, “these heretics”, do or say? They are not Catholic, yet alone priests and prelates, deFide. The church to which they belong and profess as Catholic is not the Catholic Church conceived by the Incarnate Son of God, deFide, as it teaches heresy and as such it is the church of Antichrist, not Jesus the Christ. Amen. This church was established in 1958, conceived in heresy. Amen. Why do you care what these heretics of that church say about any so called, “Sacraments”, Lynda? Can you not even glimpse the absurdity which you countenance, simply in your worry about them and what they do or say about their satanic, sacrilegious sacraments? They are Lucifer’s own and they freely choose to be, Lynda, as does anyone who holds, “the operation of error to believe lying”, as they are damned, as prophesied by the Apostle in 2 Thess 2. Amen. Save your soul. Submit to the divine and Catholic Faith before you draw your final breath. I pray that you do. In caritas.
QA 79: “It is possible to take up an indigenous symbol in some way, without necessarily considering it as idolatry.” Note: “necessarily.” The passage means Pacemama worship just was OK’d by Bergoglio. So the new, married “priests” and “priestesses” only will be presiding over demon worship.
Dear In caritas, I’m not 100% confident that you are wrong about these Bishops being invalid. But you make an extremely evil claim that the antichrist has already been here and we just didn’t even notice it and that just really leaves us here abandoned, past the end of the story of Apocalypse and it occurs to me that you are making that up in order to make people lose their faith entirely and despair. I also notice that you have an extremely strange way of writing and I’ve never met a person who talks the way you do to other people, so maybe you are just some little demon behind a keyboard. I would like to see someone besides In caritas look into the validity of these Bishops and if they’re valid let’s encourage them to get into conclave. Men, anyone? Anyone think it might be a good idea to elect a Catholic man to the Papacy of the Catholic Church? We are not placed here to make assumptions about God’s will; we are here to do what is right. When the seat is vacant we elect a Pope. What kind of insanity to just sit here like jerks going, wah we don’t deserve a Pope, God help us, we need divine intervention, wah woe is me, doom on us, doom on us. For the love of all that is good, check out these Bishops. If they are not valid then ANNOUNCE it from the rooftops but if they are get those sons of guns into a CONCLAVE now. We don’t have to wait until we’re a remnant, until most of us have been smashed by SMOD, or died of the plague or starved by Jorge’s communists; that is asinine. We’re a remnant now so elect a Pope.
Good Thursday morning dear Melanie,
Pope Pius XII taught infallibly and with his full Apostolic Power, in his Apostolic Constitution on Papal Election, “Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis”, that if a valid Conclave did not meet to undertake the business of electing a new Pope, within 18 days maximum and without ANY exception as period and end–full stop—, any Conclave that would act to elect apart from his Authoritative Edict in all of its specific nuance was as, “null and void”. You must accept this and submit to this Authoritative, Apostolic Power of Governance to objectively evidence your fruit of holding the divine and Catholic Faith, dear Melanie. You are NOT Catholic simply because you say or think that you are. Again and again and yet again, Jesus the Christ commanded: “You will KNOW them by their fruits.”. Your fruits speak dear Melanie. You continue to hold on to your fallacious belief that we are not living the time after Antichrist, in the aftermath of his unmitigated desolation, without the Vicar of Christ in this world, as was taught inerrantly as a matter deFide by the Early Church Fathers, in their interpretation of the prophet Daniel. Amen. Alleluia. You cannot wish or will Truth away dear Melanie. You yet, as all but all who breathe, are receiving, “the operation of error to believe lying”, as you bear countenance to this. Amen. Your fruits are known. Amen. Apostolic Succession is forever lost. If any false Shepherds dressed in the clothing of Sheep were to now gather and deem a, “Conclave”, to be in act, this would be even more hideous than it is now, for poor souls as yourself who would believe these wolves in Sheep’s clothing. The Incarnate Son of God warned you dear Melanie that these men would come and He admonished His disciples for not knowing the signs of the prophetic times in which they lived. Almighty God provides His grace in and infinite superabundance for His commands to be fulfilled by His miserable human creatures as us. You must freely receive it to then receive the intellective Lights to submit to His Magisterial Truth as Truth Himself. Amen. Alleluia. Continue to work toward your salvation dearest Melanie. I am a perfectly, miserable wretch as infinitely true, dear Melanie. Your despair is found in your false belief that we do not live in the prophetic time in which we do, as you continue to pine for false Shepherds to save you. Once a miserable wretch as me has received the Peace of Christ, this knowing of His Peace, not affective thus but objective, is not humanly communicable, simply known while not able to be expressed in human language. Amen. Alleluia. As has been written here before dear Melanie, Almighty God works analogically in His Mystery of prophesy. Just as Jesus the Christ came into this world and was unknown by all but all, yet murdered on His Holy Cross, the Antichrist has come into this world, unknown by all but all, yet received as false king. Amen. Alleluia.
Lastly for now dear Melanie, for anyone to believe that most who breathe would know who Antichrist was when he came, itself simply bears witness to not holding the divine and Catholic Faith, as Jesus the Christ commanded: When the Son of Man comes again, will He find any Faith left in this world?, and When the Son of Man returns, it will be as the time of Noah. I pray you continue to bear your cross and follow Him and to do this you must DENY yourself, which means you must deny all that you freely hold in the operation of your will that is contra the divine and Catholic Faith, as taught and governed in the living, divine, perpetual as unending and unchanging, Ordinary and Universal Magisterium; which is now as it always has been, Jesus the Christ Teaching and Governing His small flock of true believers who hold the Faith. Amen. Alleluia. In caritas.
I don’t believe you. A Pope would not deliberately sabotage the Church’s ability to elect a Pope. The Church and the Popes are not stupid and what you claim is just flat out stupidity. Many things could happen that would delay a conclave. You are a liar.
Dear Melanie,
You simply invert the truth of what the Vicar of Christ as divinely protected Lawgiver has done. You tacitly suggest that a divinely protected Law as given by the Vicar of Christ, is given SO THAT IT CAN BE BROKEN. Your reasoning is completely inverted as it is absurd. Blessed Peter as in his Successors, was given the divine Gift of, “truth and never failing faith”, as per the Vatican Council’s infallible teaching, such that he could protect us from the wolves in Sheep’s clothing, as it is they who break the divinely protected Law. You cannot even see the absurdity countenanced in your utterly false belief that Pope Pius XII gave us his infallible Apostolic Constitution so that it, COULD BE BROKEN. Is that why there are laws on the secular books that deem stealing to be a crime? Do the secular lawmakers write the laws which address stealing because they will that they be broken? Your intellective position on this as countenanced in your fruit would be laughable if it were not leading you on the path of your own personal eternity in Hell. Amen. Submit to the Reality as it Is, in Truth. Read, “VAS”, again and again and again. Beg Almighty God to receive His intellective grace of divine Lights to see. I pray that you do. In caritas.
If anyone doesn’t want to listen to Christ (Who foresees ALL things) in His Magisterium, then may be this might help.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Pope Pius XII was privy to things and/or being directed by the Holy Ghost at that particular moment in history (ahem), as evidenced by the very fact that the Chair of Peter WAS then usurped RIGHT AFTER his death, an event even alluded to in the actual St. Michael Exorcism prayer of Leo XIII. The announcement of “Vatican II” in Jan 1959 took place exactly 75 years from his vision wherein Satan asked for “75-100 years” to gain complete control over the Church.
Pope Pius XII was quoted as stating on his deathbed, “After me, the deluge.”
Pope SAINT Pius X stated that the Antichrist might indeed already be in the world, when Paul VI was about 6 years old.
Lastly, if anyone hasn’t noticed, the state of the world right now shows we are in unprecedented times without a single doubt. The evil is so thick we might not even be able to cut it with a Ginsu knife and we have a false church parading itself around as the actual Catholic Church. If there were true bishops (Cardinals) who knew they could elect a Pope then that would have been done long ago. We are obviously well past the point of no return.
Just because we can’t see or don’t choose to see any of this doesn’t make it a lie.
Melanie, I quote these words of yours to In Caritas:
Be not afraid. I want to assure that we ARE NOT “abandoned” or “past the end of the story of the Apocalypse.” In Psalm 93 (Douay-Rheims) we read:
To be one of his people, you need to be in a state of grace as the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church has always taught. You do not need to be a theologian or canon lawyer and get all the answers correct. However, you should be sincerely trying to follow the Truth as you are best able to prayerfully discern it. You seem to have the desire to do that.
To move on to the second part of your comment, I would suggest that we are past the point of “reform” and achieving salvation through bishops or conclaves. Please read the book of Daniel with this in mind.
Using figurative symbolism and an apocalyptic narrative, the book of Daniel provides a genealogy of “the Beast” spoken of by John in the Apocalypse. There is a gradual devolution of sanctity in the “Holy See,” beginning with the ratification of the Lateran Treaty in 1929. The two Pius’s (XI and XII) are called by the same name, Nebuchadnezzar. John XXIII is called Belteshazzar, who is known for his big feast (Vatican II). Paul VI is Darius the Mede who expanded the number of his governors (Cardinal-Electors) to 120. JPII is Cyrus. After the Persians come “the Greeks,” and their “king of the South” and “king of the North,” a split kingdom. Sound familiar? Do we not have a split papacy right now?
Yes, the kings described in Daniel are the Popes of the post-Lateran Treaty Catholic Church. Does this mean they are all heretics and have invalid orders? Maybe, but what are we to do about it? Daniel shows us how we should behave in this situation of captivity. He subjects himself willingly to these foreign kings (except when they veer from true worship and belief) and tries his best to lead them back to the Truth, even in the face of persecution. Daniel is the model of the “recognize and resist” position. Daniel is not one person. He is the personification of the authentic, faithful believer trying his best to navigate a tough situation throughout this entire period.
So if you read Daniel like I believe you should where does this put us? We are definitely somewhere in Chapter 11 of the split kingdom of the Greeks. If you believe as I do that Daniel 9 refers to either a 490-year period starting with the calling of the Council of Trent in 1537 or a 70-year period starting with the calling of the Vatican II council in 1959 (I’m not sure which, it may be both), we are within 10 years of all of these prophecies being fulfilled. The final 7-year period probably has not started yet.
The Apocalypse is dealing mostly with that final 7-year period. In chapter 17, Babylon (the Counterfeit Church) is riding “the Beast.” This “Beast” has 7 heads (Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI) and “an eighth…is of the seven and goeth into destruction” (Bergoglio? or a future successor to Bergoglio?). The 10 horns are most likely Council of Cardinal Advisors (9 members) set up by Bergoglio (he stated that he is a member as well, making 10).
What should you do about all of this? Get into a state of grace by doing a thorough traditional examination of conscience, repent and confess your sins to a traditional priest, assist at Latin mass and take communion daily (if possible) pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and read your Bible. If you do these things, you will see more clearly and the anxiety over what is to come will be lessened as you more and more abandon yourself to the Lord’s will.
Finally, Mary our mother, has something special in store for those consecrated to her immaculate heart, so be prepared for her reign.
We are commanded to know from whence our pastors come. You say we should approach “traditional” priests. From which line of bishops do these priests come, exactly, and can you prove their Apostolicity? You must do these things before making such recommendations which can lead others to commit sacrileges, which multiply themselves day-after-day no less.
A Simple Beggar. Nice to meet you. Since you seem to be particularly well-informed, maybe you could expand on the concept of how a penitent commits sacrilege in the confession booth by not first checking “the line of bishops” and proving “apostolicity.”
I couldn’t find that in my Bible or in Denzinger or in Ott’s Fundamentals, but I’m sure that it must be in there somewhere because you said “we are commanded.” Thanks in advance for your help. I’ll await your learned reply.
Good evening, PNF.
Oh – you didn’t know that the Church has always taught this? In “ordinary” times perhaps Catholics didn’t have to worry so much about this, but these are not ordinary times, are they PNF? Are we not warned in Scripture about the thieves and robbers? Here, then, is some new material for you, this being just a sampling; there is much, much more:
The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and Ecumenical Council of Trent, session XXIII; Canon VII:
If anyone saith that bishops are not superior to priests; or that they have not the power of confirming and ordaining; or that the power which they possess is common to them and to priests; or that orders conferred by them, without the consent or vocation of the people or of the secular power, are invalid; >>>or that those who have neither been RIGHTLY ordained, nor SENT by ECCLESIASTICAL and CANONICAL power, but come from ELSEWHERE, are LAWFUL ministers of the word and of the sacraments; let him be ANATHEMA.”<<<
The Council of Trent:
“Those who of their rashness assume them [Ordination and Consecration] to themselves, are NOT ministers of the Church, but are to be looked upon as thieves and robbers, who have not entered by the door.”
The Holy Ghost writes in ACTS 20:28:
“Take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
The Liturgical Year, by Dom Gueranger, Imprimatur Feb., 1924, Vol. VIII, Page 150:
“PETER WILL EVER INSTITUTE the bishops; the bishops will ever delegate a portion of their own authority to the priests who have the charge of souls. NO human power shall ever be able to intercept this transmission, or have POWER to set up as pastors them that have not partaken of it.”
A Manual of Pastoral Theology by Rev. Fr. Frederick Schulze, Imprimatur +Joannes J. Glennon, 1923, Page 295:
“Jurisdiction rests with the hierarchy, the Pope, as the head of the Church, and the bishops in their respective dioceses. This Jurisdiction the bishop does not obtain through episcopal consecration; it is conveyed to him by the authority of the Holy See in the Apostolic brief appointing him and setting him as a ruler over a portion of Christ's vineyard. No temporal sovereign or State can give this jurisdiction. It is not earthly, but of heavenly creation. It is emphatically a power from God. The channel of its derivation is through the apostolate…
A priest by his ordination has no Jurisdiction, but as he is called upon to cooperate with the bishop, the latter is supposed to communicate to him part of that power which he has obtained by Apostolic appointment. We say, part of that power because Jurisdiction is twofold, in foro interno and in foro externo. The former, which is exercised mainly in the tribunal of Penance, a priest receives when he is authorized to hear confessions. In the latter he participates, to a certain extent, after the bishop has assigned him to a regular position as pastor or rector eclesiae. This Jurisdiction is not perpetual, but may be limited or withdrawn for good reasons. Not so with the potestas ordinis. It is received through the Sacrament of Holy Orders and, being attached to the indelible character which this Sacrament imprints, cannot be destroyed or taken away; only the use of it may be suspended. Any ministerial act exercised in spite of a suspension will be sinful, without, however, losing its effect of forfeiting its validity, except the absolution given by a vitandus.” (See C. 2261).
The Church teaches in the Summa Contra Gentiles, of St. Thomas, Lib. IV, cap. 76:
“To conserve the UNITY of the Church, the power of the keys MUST be passed on, through Peter, to the other pastors of the Church.”
Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209, Father Francis Sigismund Miaskiwicz, 1940, Imprimatur, page 21:
“To protect the faithful against deception and to assure them of competent and worthy ministers, the Church has ever insisted, and still does insist, that those who are to minister unto the faithful in the name of Christ and of the Church, must FIRST receive the approval and authorization necessary for the valid and licit performance of jurisdictional acts. She requires that they prove themselves worthy of the signal honor and capable of performing all the obligations and duties incumbent upon the minister of the Church.”
The Church Speaks To the Modern World – Pope Leo XIII:
“There can be NO DOUBT that TRUTH ALONE SHOULD IMBUE THE MINDS OF MEN, therefore NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SHOULD BE TAUGHT! What the Church cannot possibly do is to declare satisfactory a school regime based upon the principle that anybody should be free to teach what it pleases him to call truth, even though it may be error… A widely spread conviction may happen to be FALSE, and we all know that it is so, only we do not like to think that this APPLIES TO THE OPINIONS OF OUR OWN TIMES. If we subject any one of these to a careful criticism, we shall find that our STRONGEST CONVICTIONS often rest upon WEAK arguments and FLIMSY
evidence. Why should not the CONTRARY of what we were taking for granted also be given CAREFUL CONSIDERATION?”
A Simple Beggar. I don’t disagree with anything you posted regarding priests needing canonical jurisdiction to validly perform the sacrament of penance. I never claimed anything to the contrary. That’s basic Catholic doctrine.
Still, if a penitent, acting in good faith, confesses her sins to a priest in a confessional at a Catholic church, the penitent herself is not “committing sacrilege” if she fails to research the “line of bishops” and prove “Apostolicity” of the priest, even if it turns out later that the priest who sat in the confession booth with her was not canonically-authorized to absolve sins for some reason. In that case, the priest would be “committing sacrilege,” not the penitent.
Good evening and correct, PNF. Now show me an actual Catholic Church today with a priest who’s been ordained validly and licitly by a valid and licit bishop who had a Papal Mandate to consecrate him. Remember, per Trent no one can EVER for any reason take that upon themselves to do apart from a valid Pope.
In usual times, the Church supplies in cases such as you mention only when “Common Error” is involved. Today, everyone knows that “Trad/Sede” priests do not possess Jurisdiction so there is no situation involving Common Error. I was once one of those people approaching such priests for sacraments and I was aware of the fact as well, so I am also guilty as charged. However, I was ignorant of all that the Church teaches in Her Perpetual Magisterium and being of good will (zealous for Truth), once informed I immediately assented.
In Caritas
I have been following your argument closely, as I consider it very possible that the sedes may be onto something. However, I’m troubled by something you wrote above:
“Pope Pius XII taught infallibly and with his full Apostolic Power, in his Apostolic Constitution on Papal Election, “Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis”, that if a valid Conclave did not meet to undertake the business of electing a new Pope, within 18 days maximum and without ANY exception as period and end–full stop—, any Conclave that would act to elect apart from his Authoritative Edict in all of its specific nuance was as, “null and void”.
So I assumed that there was some irregularity in the conclave of 1958 relative to when it was called, as that would be the natural conclusion to draw from your pointing out the 18 day “requirement” . However, Pope Pius XII died on October 9, and the cardinals entered conclave on October 25. This is only 16 days, not more than 18, as you inferred.
I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one who would like to know your purpose in quoting the 18 day limit in this context, if you were not trying to put it forward as a grounds to nullify the election of John XXIII. And if you were deliberately trying to mislead, then you have thoroughly discredited your position by attempting such deception.
Please explain your intention with that line of argument.
Dear Pearl87,
This was previously clarified recently in the past couple of weeks, in a back and forth between james_o and me, but again now for your clarity. Notice that you quoted me as writing, “valid Conclave”. The purpose of citing the inviolable 18 day limit is simply and utterly because, as we now write, the, “maximum of 18 days after the death of the Pope”, in which a valid Conclave must meet to begin the business of electing a new Pope, has now passed and over 61 years ago did it pass, since the death of Pope Pius XII. Amen. Roncalli was invalid metaphysical matter for the Papacy as he had minimally deviated from the Faith years before the false Conclave of October, 1958, and as infallibly and Authoritatively taught in, “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio”, Roncalli was then perfectly incapable of ever in his life, holding ANY ECCLESIAL OFFICE. Amen. Alleluia. I pray that you are helped by the reception of the intellective Lights of the Holy Ghost. Amen. In caritas.