In light of remarks made by Francis the Loquacious on-board Spirit of Vatican II One en route to Krakow for Newchurch Woodstock 2016, I’d like to present a brief Biblical snapshot of the origins of Islam.
When asked to comment on the brutal murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel at the hands of faithful Muslims, His Humbleness said:
A word that – about what Father Lombardi was saying – is often repeated is ‘insecurity.’ But the real word is ‘war’… When I speak of war, I speak of real war, not of a war of religion, no. There is war for interests, there is war for money, there is war for the resources of nature, there is war for the domination of peoples: this is war. Someone may think: ‘He is talking about a war of religion.’ No. All the religions, we want peace. Others want war. Do you understand?
Turning now to Sacred Scripture, we discover that Abraham had two sons; Ishmael, who was born of the bondwoman, Agar, the other, Isaac, born of his wife, Sarah.
The former was the result of a human attempt at securing an heir, as well as the blessings that God had promised when first he called Abraham (then Abram) out of Ur; the latter was truly a miracle as God made good on His promises.
And what precisely were those promises?
And the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy father’s house, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. (Gen 12:1-3)
Isaac – not Ishamel – is the son of promise; the one with whom and through whom the covenant would rest and endure.
This God made perfectly clear after the birth of Ishmael; even prior to the birth of Isaac:
And Abraham said to God: O that Ishmael may live before thee. And God said to Abraham: Sara thy wife shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name Isaac, and I will establish my covenant with him for a perpetual covenant, and with his seed after him. (Gen 17:18-19)
Isaac had two sons; fraternal twins, Jacob and Esau. At birth, there were indications that already in the womb the two were grappling with one another. Esau came first, but just behind was Jacob who was clutching his heel.
Esau, even though he was the firstborn, despised his birthright; he was far more concerned with satisfying his urges and other earthly matters.
Not only did Esau allow himself to be tricked out of his father’s blessing by Jacob, he married from among the Canaanites as an act of rebellion.
You see, there was a Divine prohibition against marrying from among the Canaanites and other nations of unbelievers, and for good reason:
Thou shalt make no league with them, nor shew mercy to them: Neither shalt thou make marriages with them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, nor take his daughter for thy son: For she will turn away thy son from following me, that he may rather serve strange gods, and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled, and will quickly destroy thee. (cf Deuteronomy 2-4)
Precisely who among the Canaanites did Esau marry?
And these are the generations of Esau, the same is Edom. Esau took wives of the daughters of Chanaan: Ada the daughter of Elon the Hethite, and Oolibama the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon the Hevite: And Basemath, the daughter of Ishmael, sister of Nabajoth. (Gen 36:1-3)
That’s right; Esau (father of the Edomites) married the daughter of Ishmael. We’ll return to this unholy marriage later. For now, let’s jump forward to the fullness of time.
Writing to the Galatians, St. Paul recalled the origins of the lines of Isaac and Ishmael, and more importantly, he went on to tell of their relationship:
For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman and the other by a free woman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh: but he of the free woman was by promise. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born according to the flesh persecuted him that was after the spirit: so also it is now. (Gal 4:22-23, 28-29)
[NB: As is often the case, the passage cited above, in its fullness, is multi-layered. Verses 24-27 (not shown) speak to the relationship between those who cling to the earthly Jerusalem (in bondage under the Old Law) and those who dwell in the New Jerusalem (Christians) and are thus free. No doubt this is highly relevant considering the relationship between modern day churchmen and the Jews, but for the present discussion we’ll stay focused on the Ishmaelites.]
In this Epistle of St. Paul (inspired by Almighty God Himself) there is much insight to be gleaned concerning the relationship between Christians (the children of Isaac, the son of promise) and those in the line of Ishmael (son of the bondwoman).
It’s important to recognize that St. Paul isn’t speaking here of genetics. The opposition between the two parties as he describes it has its origins not in flesh and blood, but rather does it concern the relationship between the “spiritual” descendants of Isaac and Ishmael.
This is made clearer in St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans:
For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his descendants; but “Through Isaac shall your descendants be named.” This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are reckoned as descendants. (Romans 9:6-8)
In other words, the relationship under discussion concerns religion, and it is a relationship defined by persecution such as it is inflicted upon the followers of Christ by those who serve “strange gods;” like the peoples who claim spiritual patrimony with Ishmael, the Muslims.
Even in St. Paul’s lifetime, that persecution sometimes involved beheading.
The family of Herod descended from among the Edomites; the tribe of Esau that by intermarriage is intertwined with the line of Ishmael.
Herod Antipas, who married his sister-in-law, Herodias (also of the family of Herod by birth), in violation of God’s law, imprisoned John the Baptist.
It was this same Herod who succumbed to the request of the daughter of Herodias for the head of John the Baptist, the cousin of Our Blessed Lord and the prophet who pointed to the long awaited Messiah saying, “Behold the Lamb of God.”
The beheading of St. John the Baptist was carried out for the simple reason that he defended God’s law in the face of Herod’s sin; i.e., he was killed for his religion, just as Fr. Hamel was.
Bear in mind, when St. Paul writes of the persecution, “so also it is now,” he isn’t suggesting that perhaps things will not be so tomorrow; rather, he is speaking of a tension that is an enduring reality in this life.
Certainly, the case can be made that the relationship between the followers of Christ and all who reject Him (i.e., not only the Muslims who proudly claim Ishmael as their own) is one characterized by persecution.
Even so, Sacred Scripture attests that this persecution relates to Muslims, the descendants of Ishmael, in a particularly profound way.
Speaking of Ishmael while he was still in Agar’s womb, God said:
He shall be a wild ass of a man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen. (Gen 16:12)
What else did God have to say of this wild ass of a man who will be a menace to humanity?
And God heard the voice of the boy [Ishmael]: and an angel of God called to Agar [his mother] from heaven, saying: What art thou doing, Agar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the boy, from the place wherein he is. Arise, take up the boy, and hold him by the hand, for I will make him a great nation. (Gen 21:17-18)
Contrast this with the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 12 (referenced above) wherein “blessing” is mentioned no less than five times.
Notice that God (via His angel) does not say of Ishmael, “I will make him a great religion;” rather, He foretells only that a great “nation” will descend from his loins; one that is not described as a source of blessing.
Insofar as Scripture is concerned, the “greatness” of a given nation does not necessarily suggest virtue; rather, it may also refer to the greatness of its evil. For example:
Thus says the LORD: “Behold, a people is coming from the north country, a great nation is stirring from the farthest parts of the earth. They lay hold on bow and spear, they are cruel and have no mercy, the sound of them is like the roaring sea; they ride upon horses, set in array as a man for battle, against you, O daughter of Zion!” (Jeremiah 6: 22-23)
The “great nation” of which the Lord warns through the prophet Jeremiah is none other than Babylon.
“They lay hold on bow…”
As an aside: This might call to mind the vision that accompanied the Third Secret of Fatima:
…having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he [the Holy Father] was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him.
Alas, this is another story for another day.
So, where is modern day Babylon?
Iraq, the same land overrun by those in the line of that wild ass of a man, Ishmael, who was born of the bondwoman, the Muslims. Having drunk deeply from the demonic influence of the false prophet Muhammad, they are at war with the sons of the free woman – the same who profess Jesus Christ.
In his embarrassing attempt to insist that this war is not one of religion, Francis used the most telling of words. Did you notice?
“All the religions, we want peace.” (This, by the way, is an accurate translation of the Italian, “Tutte le religioni, vogliamo la pace.”)
Never mind that his assertion is utterly preposterous on its face; I’m more impressed by the way he made it:
“All the religions, we want peace.” [Emphasis added.]
There’s a glimmer of truth being revealed in this statement.
You see, in his heart of hearts, Francis numbers himself as one among the collective of all religions; i.e., the generic lot of humanist do-gooders whose earthbound creed can be boiled down to nothing more compelling than COEXIST or “Can’t we all just get along?”
He isn’t really “a son of the Church.” Far from it; he is part of a quasi-religious movement that concerns itself with such passing things as money, nature, and power.
Men like Francis have been telling us for years that Islam is a religion of peace, and that the evil deeds that are carried out by its followers – people who allegedly “together with us adore the one, merciful God” (cf LG 16) – have no religious motive, but rather are these acts committed in service to political, economic or social concerns.
Sacred Scripture (read: God) tells us otherwise.
“Due to the state of war between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, reuses de guerre, i.e., systematic lying to the infidel, must be considered part and parcel of Islamic tactics. The parroting by Muslim organizations throughout dar al-harb that “Islam is a religion of peace,” or that the origins of Muslim violence lie in the unbalanced psyches of particular individual “fanatics,” must be considered as disinformation intended to induce the infidel world to let down its guard. Of course, individual Muslims may genuinely regard their religion as “peaceful” — but only insofar as they are ignorant of its true teachings, or in the sense of the Egyptian theorist Sayyid Qutb, who posited in his Islam and Universal Peace that true peace would prevail in the world just as soon as Islam had conquered it.
A telling point is that, while Muslims who present their religion as peaceful abound throughout dar al-harb they are nearly non-existent in dar al-Islam. A Muslim apostate once suggested to me a litmus test for Westerners who believe that Islam is a religion of “peace” and “tolerance”: try making that point on a street corner in Ramallah, or Riyadh, or Islamabad, or anywhere in the Muslim world. He assured me you wouldn’t live five minutes. ”
from Islam 101 by Gregory M. Davis author, Religion of Peace? Islam’s War Against the World
The dar al-harb means “the house of War”; that is, everywhere that Islam has not overrun already is considered to be in a state of war against the house of Islam, by their own laws and definitions.
Michael F Poulin
Devotion is sanctioned in Islam, when it’s on the move to invade and conquer a country this practice is called taqiyya
Your on the right track , may I suggest you read about Gideon and what he took from the necks of the camels belonging to the Kings he killed, who were persecuting the Hebrews.
The vision of our lady concerning the invasion of Rome and the Pope killed by a group of soldiers, I emplore you to look into what is happening in Turkey , Turkey is North of Italy. Just went through a faked coup. And is forming a caliphate with the backing of the OIC! Turkey being the second largest military in NATO. Erdogan is promoting among the Turks that the U.S. Is the blame and demanding Gullen back, meanwhile a convoy of over 5000 angry Turks are moving towards inkirk raging mad at the Amesrican troops there. Children included.
“The vision of our lady concerning the invasion of Rome and the Pope killed by a group of soldiers”
I think you are combining two different prophecies here. Fatima doesn’t mention an invasion of Rome. Furthermore, it’s possible that the death of the Pope refers to John Paul I. His Pontificate of 33 days, qualifies as how one is seen “passing in front of a mirror”, that is, briefly. The term soldiers could be applied to evil men working inside of the Vatican.
before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him.
So are the evil men working inside the Vatican is going to kill a lot of people people the pope passes , and ruin half of the large city causing the other half with halting step? Half ruin city, what’s a half ruin city? Who are these all these dead people the pos passes? where is this city ?
In Islam the false prophet committed his last will and testament before he died,and that was to conquer Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome! This has been the life long conquest if the mohammaedeans , regarding rome Mohammed has this to say ” conquer Rome and break their cross, once you have achieved this, you will have the west! ”
They took Jerusalem , Constantinople , and Rome is the last great Christian house. And they still want it.
In Europe today they scream to Europeans especially in Italy ” that when the ottomans come, we will kill your sons and rape your daughters ”
Today and Erdogan with the backing of the OIC and the top Islamic clerics are promoting the alligence to Erdogan to lead the Muslim world not just Turkey. The challenge they have here is the strife between the Sunnis and Shites , Iran is shite and Turkey is Sunni, Assad is shite, the leading clerics are leading a movement to unite the to instead of killing each other. And focus on the western civilization.
Sunnis are considered apostates to the shites and the shites consider the sunnies apostates. What the cause of this opposition between the two ,
Very simple the Sunnis believe that the first four caliphats after Mohammed are really the true caliphates, where as the shites only recognize the 4th caliphate only , because he is the true heir decended from Mohammeds youngest and most favourite daughter princess Fatima. The first three caliphate were eother family members such as uncles and a father in law.
Yes a Fatima a connection to our lady Fatima. Here’s the catch concerning Fatima, the name is revered among Muslims, mush like the Blessed Virgin is revered in among Catholics,
And the reason why is simply because Mohammed told her that she very blessed in heaven , and second only to Mary mother of Jesus.
There’s the connection to Our Lady 3:15 in Genesis, who destroys heresies and perhaps why she chose Fatima to bring this vital message to not just Catholics but the entire world.
The ishmaelites honour princess Fatima. My take on why she chose Fatima could be very simply that’s he intends to destroy Islam ( heresy ) and convert these people. After all didn’t the Lord say that he died for all mankind?
And to be quite frank, all the approved apprations and prophesies have very much in common, I don’t see much in the difference only giving specific details of the same events they describe.
La Salette , good success , Lourdes, Fatima , St John Bosco , and so on. Europe in strife, Italy loosing the faith, a half ruined city with dead corpses the pope is walking through, yup sounds pretty much like Rome to me, right now with all the refugees screaming and attacking people. And harsh promises of the ottomans coming to lay them to waste as was the final instructions of their departed and truly dead prophet. I could be wrong, but with the situation as it is especially concerning Russia and how the western leaders with their corporate sponsored media is demonizing Putin , something is up stirring up, don’t you think?
keep in mind the ishmaelites inherit their fore father’s wild unpredictable cruel nature and they have the cult That feeds this nature Islam. Read how Ishmael was cruel he would turn on people in a instant. A real manic. Islam is dualistic and is designed to fit this nature.
could talk for hours about to topic, Been learning about it for the past few years.
Easiest place to get the basics of how this ideology works is ( I refuse to call it a religion because it’s so evil) works is
Isis put a fatwa on the pope and roman citizens. And guess who actually supports Isis , Isis claim that they will comquer the Vatican and break the cross is actually what Mohammed instructed to do. For some ignorant fools here in the west to say that Isis is hijacking Islam, and that Islam is a religion of peace , ther are right only on the later , but wrong on the former.
Hudna is Islamic peace p, and I assure you it’s not e idea of peace we understand in the west.
turkeys president Erdogan , been buying their oil since they took oil fields in Syria and shipping it across the boarder to sell to Turkey for a well below market price. Meanwhile Turkey has been supported of Isis They have provided the gateway to travel to and from Europe. Isis and Turkey troops have been recorded on video, chatting and hanging out at the boarder.
Sorry my response is so long . But I’m on.u touching on the subject .
Sorry I didn’t edit it. There are some typos.
“He prayed for the souls of corpses he met along the way.” How does one meet a corpse? This line seems to refer to the spiritually dead priests and bishops that inhabit the Vatican. Also known as Vatican City, and after Vatican II, it is half in ruins. John Paul I set about rooting out those responsible for the financial corruption in the Vatican Bank and ended up dead.
The Vatican has never released the part of the Third Secret that contains the actual words of Our Lady explaining the vision that we are discussing. Why? Most probably because it refers to a bad Council and a bad Mass.
If the unpublished portion of the Secret referred to a future war, big deal, reveal it in 1960. A future war can’t be the meaning. It has to be capable of saving the Church from a bad Council. Why did Our Lady request 1960 as the Secret’s publication year? What was happening in the Catholic World in 1960? Vatican II was in the planning stage!!!
I’m moving ever closer to sedevacantism.
Dont base anything just on bergoglio…he is a total whack job and pretty much anyone with any Catholic sense has known that for a while. You need to consider the totality of vatican 2. Bergoglio alone shouldnt be moving you towards sedevacantism.
What I mean to say is that those of us who see the sede position as the only possible position did so without bergoglio’s antics. Bergoglio is simply the latest, and most blatant, example of what is wrong with the v2 religion, and why we know it is not of the Catholic Faith…. but he is not the reason why the v2 religion is a false one (as it was false long before anyone even heard his name), and certainly not the reason why someone should suddenly become a sedevacantist. Yes, what this man has done and said over the last 3 years has strengthened what we have believed for some time, but he is not the reason for why we hold to our position.
Btw, it appears as if there is a tentative agreement in place between the SSPX and the vatican 2 religion. I hope the SSPX does not relent and rejects this “agreement” as nothing good will ever come of it.
Reports say one of the terrorists who murdered Father Jaques Hamel was 19 year old Adel Kermiche, who lived in that same town and attended the local mosque- which had been constructed on land donated to it by the Catholic parish.
(Good-example of Vatican II false ecumenism) Father Hamel was in dialoge for the past 8 months with the local Imam , who considered him a friend.
So what was the grateful Imam preaching in his mosque? The Pope Francis dream- “religion of peace”?
Kermiche’s mother, a teacher, said he had become radicalized after the Charlie Hebdo events, and ” attended that mosque obsessively, like he was brainwashed and bewitched”.
Investigators have now found records of Kermiche’s plans, including this advice to would-be “brothers”:
“You take a knife, you go to a Church, you make a carnage, you slice two or three heads and it’s good. It’s over.”
What attracts someone like that to a mosque?
Maybe Father Hamel’s death will serve as a wake-up call for some, but sadly our Pope doesn’t seem to be among them.
“All the religions, we want peace”
Our Lady, Help of Christians, Pray for us.
typo correction Father was in touch with the Imam through the dialogue committee for 18 months.
Bergoglio is the PRODUCT—not the CAUSE —of the V2 mess! “By the fruits you will know them..”
Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 16, November 21, 1964
“But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place among whom are the Muslims: these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.
Gal 3:29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendant, heirs according to the promise.
The last time I checked I dont think islam have accepted Christ ???
“All the religions, we want peace.” Perhaps the case here of “all the religions” is vocative, that is he calling out to all religions, including the Catholic Church, while he is here perched on that “Church”, that super-Church, which subsists in the Catholic Church but is not the Catholic Church. In this case, Francis would continue to do two things: 1) confirm the validity and equality of all religions; and 2) deny the existence of Muslim and Islamic supremacists.
We know one sentence from the unpublished Secret, “In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc” (by a faithful remnant?). The Secret then predicts a mass apostasy from the Catholic Faith. Our Lady promised to return to Fatima yet a seventh time. Will she reveal the Secret herself?
If you analyze what happened, Pius XI paved the way for Vatican II by creating massive financial corruption via the Vatican bank. Vatican II sowed the seeds of Modernism in the Church. John Paul II executed the Modernist plan by sabotaging Fatima, liturgical abuses, and worship with heretics and pagans.
I have no doubt that the plan to destroy the Catholic Church was firmly in place well before the v2 council took place. The seeds for the overthrow were planted decades before. Montini was apparently a blatant homosexual and he rose through the ranks prior to the council.
Allow me to point out three details
Sr Lucy when speaking about the living she always called them poor sinners, she never referred to them as corpses . A corpse is dead.
The half ruin city is a city , not the banks or the financial system. For example the financial Giant Leman Brothers collapsed was the city half in ruins ? Since when does a financial system collapse and only ruin one city?
What does soldiers have to do with a financial banking system collapse, soldiers represent war , fighting , why then didn’t she replace them with financial advisers , bankers and lawyers instead ? All the bishops priest and religious were killed following the Pope ? Does our religion evolve around the ecomonic system of one city.
And yes the third secret was not released, so how can you say for certain that it concerns the economic system? When testimonies of those who have read the third secret paint a different view. No mention of a banking system,
Regarding a economic system, in Islam it is recorded when invading a country to conquer it in the beginning with stealth jihad, this involves depleting the economic system of that county as well all other operating systems such as the government system and so on. This in Arabic is referred to today as muruna. Following that is the suppression of its citizens, they are given three options :
1. Die ;
2. Pay the jezia ( Islamic tax which is very high ) and become a second class citizen with no rights ( dihmmi)
3. Convert to Islam.
During the transition between stealth jihad and all out jihad The final phase of conquering a country, there is mass slaughter.
As Islam becomes stronger in Europe and the west , you will see how this operates. Read the history on the ottomans which we have on record , read what they did to constintople . The skulls of Christians were piled so high that a knight on a war horse could not see over these mounds.
We are in the muruna, our leaders are completely ignorant, western people have forgotten their history and heritage, I believe Putin remarked on this concerning the condition which Europe finds itself today.
We have been giving some limited insight regarding the third secret which I believe explains the vision of the pope killed by a group of soldiers
Pope Benedict spoke publicly regarding regarding the message
Published Testimony: (November 1984)Cardinal Ratzinger
On November 11, 1984, Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave an interview in Jesus magazine, a publication of the Pauline Sisters. The interview is entitled “Here is Why the Faith is in Crisis,” and was published with the Cardinal’s explicit permission. In this interview, Cardinal Ratzinger revealed that he had read the Third Secret and that the Secret refers to “dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore (the life) of the world.”
(the life of the world), if the pope was speaking only of the spiritual salvation, why would he include the world ? Surely you yourself knows that there is no salvation a outside of the church. There are 1.3 billion Catholics in the world, what about the remainder of the 6.2 billion people ? Muslims make up 1.5 billion, of this population. The remainder are other pagan cults, schematics , and atheist, they are already spiritually dead, so the pope is clearly speaking about their physical lives.
On December 26, 1957, Father Augustine Fuentes interviewed Sister Lucy at her convent in Coimbra, Portugal. Later, with an imprimatur and the approbation of the Bishop of Fatima, Father Fuentes published the following revelations concerning the Third Secret, revealed to him by Sister Lucy during that interview:
Extract of Interview with Sister Lucy
Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message, neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on their way but without giving any importance to Her message. The bad, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them, continue their life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, Father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from Heaven is imminent.
Why will God chastise the world ? The bad go on sinning ? Doesn’t that indicate that people in 1958 are already apostates?
And since when does God punish us by destroying mammons financial system?
I agree with you that the hidden message concerns the danger to our faith, but the end result will be slaughter if we don’t obey Our Lady.
Did not Our Lady say that the good will be martyred ? And there will be no peace . What does a failed banking system have to do with martyrdom and no peace ? It’s a banking system. A totally different entity all together.
The message of Fatima comes in two parts as Fr Schweigl tells us :
Father Joseph Schweigl (September 1952)
In 1952 Father Joseph Schweigl was entrusted by Pope Pius XII with a secret mission to interrogate Sister Lucy about the Third Secret. He subsequently stated:
” I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope; the other logically (although I must say nothing) would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.”
I’m sorry to say, but the ruin half city , corpses , and solders killing the pope and bishops, priest and religious doesn’t represent a failed economic system. And there has been no indication of it in the testimonies of those who have read the third secret. Not once is mammons weath mentionsed or referred to.
Islam is linked because of the name of the very place Our Lady pitched her feet in Fatima. The martyrdom of so many will come from Islam in Europe now as well as North America, how the financial system is involved is by bribing and paying off the western leaders to open the boarders. And by the OIC infiltrating into our corporate , banking. And government systems .
The oil companies are in on this as well. I know this first hand because I worked in a oil corporation. They bring booklets to their employees about Islam and tells us that Islam will rule world. Which reminds me of what Pope Benedict said ” danger to the life of the world ”
The Middle East is here, and islam ( Ishmael ) will get stronger and stronger.
See London today has a Muslim for a mayor, who preached humanity and human rights to the public, But what most people don’t know is that he’s a Hugh supporter of radical imams ccnnected to the OIC networks.
Taqiyya, is sanctioned in Islam in both stealth jihad and violent jihad.
It is not a sin to deceive and lie. To pretend friendship for the cause of Islam, even to marry an infidel. Even though Islamic controlled countries kill any Muslim who befriends or marries a infidel. It’s allowed for the cause of Islam in a unconquered country.
islam is a dualistic system, and because of this we in the west, our way of thinking , and use of logic, does not comprehend it, which is why you will hear Islam is a religion of peace, Isis is hijacking Islam, and so on.
In Islam to a Muslim , you can switch back and forth , yes Islam is peaceful , and yes Islam is violent. Both in their logic goes hand in hand. It is both peaceful and violent.
Western minds have a difficult time with this as our logic dictates to us, It’s either one or the other , but In the dualistic logic of Islam, its both.
The annilation of nations which Our Lady spoke about , you can see it in our nations today. Godless governments , and institutions. The rejection of God in our justice systems, government systems , social and educational a systems, where’s the kingship of Christ ? It’s nearly wiped out in the west , this creates a Hugh vacumn which has to be filled , Islam is here and it intends to stay, replace our systems with its own system in all spectrums of our society. Our civilization as according to Islam, is to be destroy fully in order for Islam to reign as the governing power. One world government system belong to Ishmaels descendants. The. We have another one world government system founded by the free mason Zionist, who are supporting the infiltrating of Islam in the west, to do what exactly ?
This will all back fire In their face, if only the pope would do the consecration of Russia, this can all be stopped , but it’s quite clear that the spiritual chaistisement has not budged the people. So let’s see how far God will allow man to go in his own self destruction, before He steps in to put a stop to it. And I’m sure Like Our lady is waiting , Almighty God is waiting also. But given the example of the ” King. Of France ” as Our Lord told us in 1931, we only an allotted time given. And If we don’t do something soon, to appease The Almighty , it’s going to get far far worst.
See what happen in France from the example of the King? Have you ever looked into its history, famously known as the French Revolution ! This is the example Our Lord gives us as a discourse to Fatima.
Also in history, economic collapses, are the results of war and conflict. The cycles of corrections in today’s financial markets are growth and contractions. Which are normal cycles in the financial sector and subsectors of the monetary system we have today. The one conflict in Europe which could possibly effect the economic system of all of European members is the emploding of the EU , although it would be temporal. But Sr Lucy wasn’t talking about a entire continent, she was speaking of a specific place , where the pope is located , where is the pope usually located among a group of bishops priest and religious ?
Add to that , have you noticed the condition of Italy today? It’s encompassed with immigrants
I’m sorry ,
but you will have to back up your claims with more facts in order to Convience me otherwise.
God Bless
Again please forgive my typos , I’m not very good at typing,
He is just one pope, my darlin. Don’t allow his actions dictate such a thing. It is quite clear he needs a lot of prayer and sacrifice,
Our Lord prayed for St Peter , he also warned St Peter that the devil wants to sift him like wheat.
You got that right. And I believe God is letting Satan use this warped personality to chastise a generation so willing to embrace and tolerate serious sin.
Islam is the part of the nature of the antichrist described as , seductive By one of our very own saints. The more inpolitcal correct term instead of radicalized should be seduced.
And remember, Pius XI was named by Our Lady at Fatima. Our Lady is too gracious to represent Pius XI in a negative context. She simply states as a matter of fact, that a worse war will begin during his reign.
Third Secret of Fatima Vision:
After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’.
And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’.
Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;
before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way;
having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him,
and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.
Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.
How do you know this?
Hold On Tight !!!!! Pope Francis appoints panel to study ordaining women as deacons
© Filippo Monteforte, AFP | Pope Francis sits with youth for a prayer vigil at Campus Misericordiae in Brzegi as part of the World Youth Days on July 30, 2016
Latest update : 2016-08-02
Pope Francis on Tuesday appointed a special commission to examine the role of female deacons in the Church, in a potentially historic opening on the possibility of women joining the clergy.
The 13-member commission, made up of seven men and six women, will study the question of female deacons with a particular focus on the history of women having played this role in the early years of the Church, the Vatican said in a statement.
The move follows a pledge made by Francis in May during a question-and-answer session with members of female religious orders.
Advocates of women serving as deacons have long argued that they are pitifully under-represented in the Church’s hierarchy and decision-making processes.
Allowing women to enter the clergy at a rank just below a priest would represent a first step towards correcting this imbalance, they argue.
They also insist there is no theological obstacle to the move because of the precedent established by women performing the role in the early centuries of Christianity.
Francis said in May that he was unclear about the history and that it “would do good for the Church to clarify this point.”
He made it clear however that he did not see women becoming priests, an option that was categorically rejected by one of his predecessors, Pope John Paul II, following a 1994 study.
The Vatican did not set a date for the commission to begin work or a deadline for it to reach conclusions.
No one needed John Paul II to know that women could never become priests. So it was a safe sound bite for JPII to sound dogmatic. So many subtle deceptions.