In my reading and research for an upcoming article on the Talmudic coup widely known as Vatican Council II, I came across an EWTN republication of a “Zenit Daily Dispatch” entitled, Pius XII Favored a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
Having written previously about Pope Pius XII’s attitude toward the Zionist takeover of Palestine, the headline alone indicated that the article to follow is but a shameless exercise in Judeo propaganda.
The question that immediately came to mind, however, was why. Why is EWTN telling Zionist lies?
For all intents and purposes, the question is rhetorical insofar as the answer, at least according to my understanding, is multifaceted and obvious. First and foremost, as indicated in the opening paragraph above, the conciliar church to which EWTN belongs is the fruit of Talmudic conquest, the Vatican presently serving as one of the Synagogue’s most treasured occupied territories.
Secondly, the network is – as reported by investigative journalist Randy Engel – part of Opus Dei’s covert media empire, one that includes National Catholic Register, LifeSite News, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Canada, and Catholic News Agency (CNA) to name but a few. Zenit, based on its sympathies for both Opus Dei and Zionism, gives every indication of belonging to the same club.
Furthermore, it has long been alleged that the family roots of Opus Dei’s Founder, Josemaria Escriva, were Jewish, which may explain why the Prelature’s principles and procedures are so imbued with both Masonry (a Jewish creation) and Talmudism. As reported by Mrs. Engel in an article published on akaCatholic in April of the this year:
As an interesting sidenote on the subject of the divinizing of work, according to Rabbi Angel Kreiman, the former international Vice President of the World Council of Synagogues and an Opus cooperator, “Many of Josemaria Escriva’s concepts call to mind the Talmudic tradition and reveal his profound knowledge of the Jewish world.” Kreiman claimed that the Talmudic interpretation of work was a central teaching of Escriva.
In fact, as also reported by Mrs. Engel, Escriva plainly admitted that Opus Dei has had Jewish cooperators in the U.S. who, since 1948, have been providing financial support for the Work. (Ana Sastre Gallego, Tiempo de Camino, Rialp [Opus Dei Publishers], Madrid, Spain, 1989, p. 610)
These things being so, it comes as little surprise that EWTN is pro-actively carrying water for those whom, according to St. Paul, “Both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men.” (1 Thessalonians 2:15)
What might come as a surprise is just how blatantly the mouthpieces for militant Zionism lie given the fact that their leader, although the father of lies, is also “more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth.” (Gal. 3:1)
Now, that’s not to say that Devilish subterfuge is missing from their propaganda altogether.
For instance, the subtitle to the EWTN / Zenit Daily Dispatch reads: Foundation Continues to Unearth Testimony That Pius Was in No Way ‘Hitler’s Pope.’
In this, the hook is cast, which once set, will allow these agents of the Master Deceiver to reel in naïve Catholics who mistakenly believe that what follows is a defense of the much maligned Pope Pius XII, when in fact it is slander in disguise.
The foundation to which the sub-headline refers is the Pave the Way Foundation, the Mission Statement of which provides the following details:
Pave the Way Foundation was co-founded by Meredith and Gary Krupp in 2002. Gary Krupp is uniquely suited to build bridges between religions. Gary is the only Jewish man in history in 2000 to be knighted by St. Pope John Paul II. In 2007 Gary was raised in rank by Pope Benedict XVI and on June 18, 2018, Pope Francis invested both Gary and Meredith Krupp to the highest rank of Knight and Dame Grand Cross of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory.
Imagine, a Jew, whose religious identity rests firmly upon opposition to Jesus Christ, being so honored! In the Papal Bull that established the Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great, Pope Gregory XVI states:
This, indeed, is the reason for undertaking this plan, this is the main condition of the service itself, which will be most satisfied by constant faith towards God and the Prince, as it is written on the opposite side of the Cross. (Pro Deo et Principe)
Recall the words of Our Lord, “He that despises me, despises Him that sent me.” (Luke 10:16)
How can anyone of good will and moderate intelligence fail to see that only a counterfeit pope, at the head of a counterfeit church, would ever even consider bestowing the honor of Knight and Dame Grand Cross of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory on persons who, far from exhibiting “constant faith towards God,” reject Jesus Christ as well as Him who sent Him?
As for the EWTN / Zenit article, it is loaded with outright lies and unsupported claims. For example:
Pave the Way Foundation learned of the existence of one very interesting document, still unpublished, which may show Pius XII’s attitude about a Jewish homeland.
Elsewhere, the article claims:
Pius XII wrote by hand, “The Jews need a land of their own.” This document is in the closed section of the Vatican Library and will not be available until the archives are fully open.
Get that? An unpublished document might… An unavailable document reveals…
Evidently, this is what EWTN considers Unearthed Testimony.
For the sake of argument, even if it is ultimately shown that Cardinal Pacelli wrote that the “Jews need a land of their own,” it does not necessarily follow that he was in support of a Jewish state in Palestine. In fact, as we shall see momentarily, once elevated to the papacy, his Nuncio in the Unites States would clarify the Holy See’s firm, unambiguous opposition to this very plan.
The article continues:
A statement from Pave the Way further noted: On November 15, 1917, Nuncio Pacelli acted on a urgent request for his intervention from the Jewish community of Switzerland from what was feared would be an Ottoman Massacre of Jews of Palestine. Pacelli asked the German government, who was allied with the Ottoman Turks, for protection for the Jews of Palestine. Pacelli was successful in gaining promised protection of the Jews from the German government “even with the use of arms.”
What Pave the Way (and EWTN / Zenit) failed to point out is that the Balfour Declaration, which stated Britain’s intention to help the Zionists establish a Jewish home in Palestine, was revealed just thirteen days before November 15, 1917.
At that point in time, the “Jews of Palestine” were dead set against the idea of Jewish settlers flooding into the Holy Land with the intention of establishing a “Hebrew home.” So too were the Christians and Muslims who had been living peacefully with them in Palestine for decades (see HERE for citations). Pave the Way, either in ignorance or by deliberate subterfuge, is attempting to give readers the impression that by calling for the protection of Jews who may be exposed to massacre, the future Pius XII was giving a wink and a nod to Zionism.
Those interested in the truth of the matter need not speculate as to what an unpublished, unavailable document might reveal about the Holy Father’s attitude toward Zionism: Pope Pius XII promulgated no less than three Encyclicals on Palestine, each of which are referenced in the article, A Catholic View of Israel and the Jews, and none of which indicate support for the Zionist land grab.
A concise rendering of the Holy See’s posture toward the Zionist cause during the reign of Pope Pius XII is available via a letter written by the Apostolic Delegate to the United States, Archbishop Cicognani, addressed to U.S. Special Envoy to the Vatican, Ambassador Myron Taylor, dated June 22, 1943.
In it, Cicognani leaves no room for confusion on the matter: The Holy See had been opposed to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, most notably from the very moment that the Balfour Declaration was revealed. He writes:
Since 1917, when the question [of the “Hebrew Home” in Palestine] first arose, the Holy See has made known its attitude on the point and has repeated it in several formal documents.
Contrast this with Pave the Way Foundation’s attempt to suggest (without a shred of actual evidence) that Cardinal Pacelli, in 1917, was sympathetic toward the notion of a “Hebrew Home” in Palestine.
Cardinal Cicognani went on to summarize “the position of the Holy See in this matter,” stating:
If the greater part of Palestine is given to the Jewish people, this would be a severe blow to the religious attachment of Catholics to this land. To have the Jewish people in the majority would be to interfere with the peaceful exercise of these rights in the Holy Land already vested in Catholics.
It is true that at one time Palestine was inhabited by the Hebrew Race, but there is no axiom in history to substantiate the necessity of a people returning to a country they left nineteen centuries before.
If a “Hebrew Home” is desired, it would not be too difficult to find a more fitting territory than Palestine. With an increase in the Jewish population there, grave new, international problems would arise.
While one might be tempted to imagine that Ciconagni’s prediction of international problems was prophetic, given the long history of Talmudists causing grave havoc in nation after nation, it is more the case that he was playing the role of Captain Obvious.
More recently (August 27, 2024), EWTN promoted the work of André Villeneuve and his article, The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism, (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, July 26, 2024)
SPOILER ALERT: There are no Biblical roots that support the oxymoronic notion of “Catholic Zionism.” In a future post, I will provide a refutation of Villeneuve’s article (very low hanging fruit, to be sure).
Suffice it to say for now, wherever one finds a scholar, a cleric, or a church promoting the Jewish, Zionist, Talmudist cause, know for certain that it’s an operation of evil acting in service to the Synagogue of Satan.