Last week, the Founder of Catholic Answers, Karl Keating, posted a lengthy Facebook comment in…

Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man in the McCarrick Equation – Part 3
By: Randy Engel Time Lost Can Never Be Regained [Click for Part 1 and Part…

Archbishop Viganò: Oracle of Divine Revelation?
On June 10, several handpicked “traditional movement” media outlets simultaneously published the latest from Archbishop…

Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man in the McCarrick Equation: Part 2
By: Randy Engel Early Prolife Movement Suffers from Unknown Obstacles [Click HERE for Part 1] There…

Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man in the McCarrick Equation
By: Randy Engel [Editor’s Note: Today we begin publication of a five-part series of articles…

Cardinal Marx resigns, synodal path wins
I’m taking a brief time out from a larger work to comment on the big…

The Church: Who do you say that she is?
Consider if you will, dear reader, the following theoretical propositions: 1. The Holy Ghost, the…

Francis delivers “good news”
On Friday, May 14, Jorge Bergoglio (stage name, Francis) addressed the opening of a meeting held…

Remember this Day in History: Even if it makes no sense
Who among us could ever forget the significance of today’s date? For it was on…

“Dogmatic Suicide”: On Canonization
By: S.D. Wright Canonizations are Infallible, and We Must Accept the Consequences Many Catholics reject the…