On December 19, the SSPX published a Communiqué from its Superior General, Fr. Davide Pagliarani, commenting on the homo-couple blessing scandal. It begins:
We are dismayed by the declaration Fiducia supplicans of the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, on the question of blessings for “couples in an irregular situation and couples of the same sex”. Especially since this document was signed by the Pope himself.
So, the SSPX is dismayed – that is, disappointed, discouraged, saddened, etc. – by Modernist Rome’s recent declaration opening the way for homo-deviant couples to request, and to receive, “God’s blessing through the Church.”
Bearing in mind that the SSPX firmly insists that the conciliar church presently in occupation of the Vatican is the Holy Roman Catholic Church established by Christ for our salvation, one might have expected Fr. Pagliarani to say that the Society is outraged, or perhaps disgusted, and this on behalf of Our Lord in whose Holy Name these diabolical curses will be incanted.
Setting aside the relative weakness of Fr. Pagliarani’s word choice, what stands out even more in this opening paragraph is the subtle (and possibly deliberate) suggestion that responsibility for the content of Fiducia Supplicans is in some sense shared by the Puckered Prefect of the DDF and “the Pope himself.”
Certainly, Fr. Pagliarani knows where the buck really stops in the Church, i.e., he understands very well that if “the pope himself” signs a decree, then its teaching and its pastoral guidance belong to him and his papal magisterium. (To be perfectly clear, I speak here of what the SSPX imagines to be “the Church” and “the Pope.”)
So, one wonders, why the dissimulation?
That said, it must be acknowledged that the Communiqué, in the text that follows, makes a number of valid points, all of which have been made elsewhere.
Fr. Pagliarani, however, overlooked (if I may say so) one of the most important points raised in my previous post, namely, the deceptive manner in which Fiducia Supplicans threatens to lead naïve persons to imagine that an “irregular union” comprised of a man and a woman is morally equivalent to a same-sex union.
As it is, Fr. Pagliarani only further cemented that grave error in the minds of his readers by quoting the text (“couples in an irregular situation and couples of the same sex”), and then proceeding to repeatedly speak of “couples” in a generic sense as if there is no distinction to be made between them, i.e., hinting, even if only inadvertently, that moral equivalence truly does exist.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Fr. Pagliarani, or the SSPX more broadly, actually embraces this false notion, I am simply pointing out the Communiqué’s insufficiency and the degree to which it threatens to mislead those in search of the truth.
Sadly, I have come to expect as much from the SSPX given that its every observation concerning the filth flowing forth from Rome is founded upon the tragic and eminently false presumption that the conciliar church is the Catholic Church, presently under the headship of His Holiness, Pope Francis.
On this latter note, the Communiqué goes on to evaluate certain “assertions of Pope Francis,” drawing the conclusion that they reveal the attitude of one who:
- “No longer believes in the power of grace.”
- “Rejects the cross.”
- “Does not help anyone avoid sin.”
- “Replaces true forgiveness and true mercy with a sadly impotent amnesty.”
- “Accelerates the loss of souls and the destruction of Catholic morality.”
The Communiqué continues by describing the faith of Jorge Bergoglio made externally manifest for all to see, in this particular case, via Fiducia Supplicans.
- “Manifests a profound lack of faith in the supernatural.”
- “[Manifests a profound lack of faith in] the grace of God.”
- “[Manifests a profound lack of faith in] the strength of the cross to live in virtue.”
- “[Manifests a profound lack of faith in] purity and in charity, in accordance with the will of God.”
As for the nature of Bergoglio’s perfidiousness, it states:
- “It is a naturalistic and defeatist spirit.”
- “It loosely aligns itself with the spirit of the world.”
- “[It loosely aligns itself with] the enemy of God.”
All of the individual charges outlined in this scathing indictment of Francis and his false faith are inarguably true, not only as evidenced by Fiducia Supplicans, but as made perfectly plain by the cumulative and notorious witness of the past decade.
Please, take a moment to reread the above – attentively, point by point – as an accurate profile of an unnamed individual.
Who and what does it describe? A Catholic? A heretic?
No! It paints the detailed portrait of an apostate, or perhaps even a heathen.
And yet, Fr. Pagliarani, speaking on behalf of the Society of St. Pius X, is peddling the increasingly unbelievable and spiritually dangerous lie that the accused, Jorge Bergoglio – despite the false faith that he proudly, routinely, and consistently manifests – is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ and, more treacherous still, that he is the visible head of said Body; the Holy Roman Pontiff; the Vicar of Christ, and the rule of faith for all who seek Our Lord in truth.
This makes Fr. Pagliarani, and by extension the SSPX, nearly as menacing as the perpetrator himself!
The Communiqué summarizes its assessment of Fiducia Supplicans, saying:
This is one more surrender and subjugation to the world, on the part of the liberal and modernist hierarchy, which since the Second Vatican Council has been at the service of the Revolution inside and outside the church.
Once again, in addressing a declaration that was allegedly “signed by the Pope himself,” Fr. Pagliarani feels compelled to deflect (or at the very least spread) blame, laying it at the feet of a “liberal and modernist hierarchy.”
One might ask: The hierarchy of what?
To which Fr. Pagliarani would no doubt reply: The hierarchy of the Catholic Church!
Indeed it is true, Fiducia Supplicans is yet another rotten fruit of the conciliar revolution, one that by all appearances began as a mutiny from within. Today, however, some six decades later, are we really to imagine that this assault against Holy Mother Church is being conducted by men who reside within her bosom?
The very suggestion is absurd.
And yet, the SSPX (and likeminded alleged defenders of Catholic tradition) would have you believe that certain of the Successors to the Apostles, including first and foremost the Bishop of Rome with whom they are united, are aligned with the Evil One in an ongoing revolution against the Mystical Body of Christ, even as they somehow remain inside the Church.
At what point does cognitive dissonance rise to such a level as to indicate that something more is at play than a momentary bout with confusion? When is it reasonable to conclude that it reveals motives other than the pursuit of Truth, e.g., self-preservation? For how long must detachment from reality persist before it gives forth the stench of spiritual decay?
Ten years ago, I could not imagine feeling duty bound to warn sincere seekers of Catholic tradition, Beware the false and misleading messages coming out of the Society of St. Pius X!
Such, however, is the light providentially provided by God, He who works for good in all things, including the Bergoglian darkness.