I recently returned from Mount St. Michael in Spokane, WA, home of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), where I had the privilege of speaking at their annual Fatima Conference on Saturday, October 12.
What a magnificent experience it was being immersed in such thoroughly Catholic confines, with the lectures, reflections, devotions, prayers, and, of course, the Holy Masses.
Everyone that I encountered – the priests, brothers, sisters, seminarians, laity – all were incredibly kind and welcoming. All of the priests that I met were obviously brilliant and spiritually deep and yet incredibly approachable and friendly.
I met many persons (and families) that follow akaCatholic. If you were among them, please know that being able to speak with you was one of the true highlights of my time at the Mount. You won’t soon be forgotten. Nor will the many new acquaintances that I made.
One of the memories that will always stand out the most for me is the indescribable beauty of the religious sisters, these precious little spouses of Christ in their blue habits, images of Our Lady, each one nothing short of radiant. There is a palpable sweetness that accompanies their presence, one that I will always recall with fondness.
While in Washington, I had the opportunity to join my friend Dr. Peter Chojnowski, his lovely wife and son, along with another wonderful couple, for dinner. They were kind enough to come over from their home in Idaho to see me. It was a genuine treat.
There’s more that could be said and other persons that merit mention, but I will stop here and invite those interested to check out my talk in the video below. I would also encourage readers to view the other conference videos, all of which are available on the Novus Ordo Watch website.