Half-a-dozen or so years ago, prior to the dystopian age of so-called COVID countermeasures, well before a deadbeat dad by the name of George Floyd achieved BLM martyrdom by overdosing on Fentanyl, a time when few could imagine that American cities would soon be destroyed by “mostly peaceful” rioters raging virtually unopposed by law enforcement (aka the 2020 Democrat Summer of Love), and despite the fact that the U.S. economy appeared to be booming, even then, some among us (the present writer included) had an unshakable sense of foreboding.
Don’t get me wrong, all was not rosy in the twenty-teens. Setting aside the decades-long ecclesial crisis for the moment, there was cause for concern inasmuch as temporal affairs in the U.S. were trending in a decidedly negative direction in many notable ways in those years.
Barack Obama, for example – a man whose presidency many had naïvely hoped would heal racial divisions – spent eight years in office making certain that this would not be the case, in fact, accomplishing the exact opposite.
Godlessness was on the rise as both the LGBT rights and abortion-on-demand movements were having a field day. The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in 2015 (Obergefell v. Hodges), while NY State rang in the New Year of 2019 by enacting the nation’s most liberal abortion law, one that allowed for the murder of unborn children right up to the very moment of birth.
From 2017 onward and the onset of Trump Derangement Syndrome, interpersonal relationships grew notably colder among longtime friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors as left-leaning Americans were spurred to diabolical levels of irrational hatred by a corporate mockingbird media Hell bent on sowing the seeds of unrest and division.
Yes, life in these not-so-United States was growing less and less idyllic year by year, but it was more than that. I recall well numerous conversations with likeminded friends, all of whom concurred:
Something even more disturbing appeared to be looming just on the horizon, something mysterious and unprecedented. The fog of evil was rolling in, we could just feel it.
Fast forward to the present day.
For many of us, a similar sense of foreboding has been growing of late. It seems that an event even more sinister than COVID, and every bit as orchestrated, is on the horizon, something perhaps more distressing than the skyrocketing numbers of disabilities and premature deaths that have come to define the post-Warp-Speed era.
According to many so-called “Conspiracy Theorists,” not only can gathering storms of this nature be felt, they can sometimes be seen as well.
This, it is theorized, thanks to the fact that “they” – a euphemism for the globalist leaders of the City of Man – occasionally make public their nefarious intentions ahead of time via news organizations, television productions, works of literature, the published activities and findings of governments, NGOs and other such “expert” coalitions, etc.
On this note, one of the hot topics showing up in my social media feed lately concerns a recently released Netflix film called, Leave the World Behind.
The film – the Executive Directors of which are none other than Barack and Michelle Obama – is about a massive directed-energy, cyber-attack on the United States that knocks out internet, satellite, and GPS, etc., all of which leads to untold mayhem, death, and civil unrest.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, surely you are aware that “they” have been warning for years about the potential for a cyber-attack that might take out the nation’s power grid and disrupt the entire banking system.
For example, Klaus Schwab (head of the World Economic Forum), in an ominous 2020 presentation, described the threat of a major cyber-attack that “would bring to a complete halt the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.”
This, he said, would make the COVID crisis look like “a small disturbance in comparison.”
Corporate news networks and government officials have been warning that an attack of this nature may very well come from, not a merely anonymous source, but … wait for it … Russia! (the bogyman that just keeps giving).
It’s also common knowledge that a multi-year, international roundtable exercise known as Cyber Polygon, modeled after the Event 201 exercise that predicted the COVID outbreak with remarkable accuracy (if not foreknowledge) in October 2019, has been “simulating” just such an attack.
The punchline just waiting to be told in the aftermath of an incident of this sort is obvious: No one is safe unless and until every man, woman and child is marked with a digital ID that allows authorities to track all of your online activities as well as your physical movements, with the entire financial system converted to programmable Central Bank Digital Currency that can be turned “on” or “off” with the flick of a switch.
So, are Klaus Schwab and his friends in government speaking merely about hypothetical scenarios for which we must prepare in order to prevent them from ever taking place? Or are they giving us a glimpse at the very crimes that they themselves plan to perpetrate?
You decide.
Most of the people that I interact with fall into the latter camp, and not without good reason.
For example, months prior to the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center, network television aired an episode of X-Files about how “a small faction” in the U.S. government “plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline … to bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York,” specifically, “into the World Trade Center.”
And why would anyone do that?
“The arms market is flat,” a leading character in the episode declares, “the Cold War is over, with no clear enemy to stockpile against.”
In other words, the goal, according to the storyline, is to institute a war on terror that would feed the military-industrial complex for decades to come.
Coincidence, you say? Maybe, but one might respond by calling the skeptic’s attention to the aforementioned Event 201, a play-by-play “simulation” that foretold of the COVID crisis in great detail months before it unfolded.
Speaking of the COVIDS, one might also consider the 1981 novel by Dean Koontz titled “The Eyes of Darkness” about the havoc wreaked by a bioweapon developed in China known as the “Wuhan Virus.”
FACT CHECKERS for USA Today attempted to debunk the suggestion that something fishy may be at play by pointing out the following:
…the virus was originally named ‘Gorki-400’ for being developed outside of ‘Gorki’ by Russians. The first edition has no mention of ‘Wuhan-400.’ In a later version of the book released in 1989, the name of the virus was changed to ‘Wuhan-400.’
So, there you have it: The novel predicted the Wuhan virus thirty years before it happened, not thirty-eight years. Take that, you silly Conspiracy Theorist, you!
Koontz was unavailable for comment, but the FACT CHECKERS went on to suggest that perhaps “the change to the book came in 1989 because it marked the end of the Cold War.”
As most reasonable persons would admit, that’s a pretty good explanation save for one small detail: The Cold War (and the break-up of the Soviet Union) didn’t take place until 1991.
In sum, a Conspiracy Theorist might wonder if USA Today and other corporate media entities are in on the program…
Other, similar examples from the past could be offered, but I will leave it to those with an interest to do a deeper dive on their own.
At this, I’d like to address the main point of this post, and that concerns the entirely valid rejoinder:
Why would these alleged perpetrators of evil announce their nefarious intentions ahead of time? If a supposed cabal is plotting an evil act, surely they would do so in secret. That’s how evil plans are always hatched, quietly and in the shadows!
One of the most common responses from the conspiracy camp has to do with a phenomenon called predictive programming, whereby the public is conditioned via “fictional” glimpses into the future, not so much to expect certain events, but rather to entertain them as a real possibility. The goal in this scenario is to make the public more apt to accept as reasonable the terms of the “new normal.”
I find this explanation entirely feasible for a whole host of reasons. Even more compelling, however, is the fact that evil does not always operate quietly and in the shadows. In fact, if one views the world through the eyes of faith, we find that the exact opposite is often true and should be expected.
Satan, the ultimate head of a globalist network comprised of various agents who share common goals in service to self, delights in mocking Our Lord and all that is divine. He imitates things holy to achieve evil ends.
For instance, as mentioned numerous times in this space, it has long been said by theologians, saints and mystics that the Evil One will one day erect a false church that will present itself to the world as the Catholic Church.
Bishop Fulton Sheen, for example, prior to falling prey to the deceptions of Vatican Council II (itself a stellar example of Satanic mockery) said:
He [Satan] will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. . . .
Eminent theologian Fr. E. Sylvester Berry, in his biblical exegesis on the Apocalypse, wrote something similar:
Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ. Antichrist will assume the role of Messias; his prophet will act the part of Pope; and there will be imitations of the Sacraments of the Church. (Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise)
As I write, the church-of-man presently in occupation of the Vatican has just approved the blessing of homo-deviant couples. What more does one need in order to see that the counter church is here?
So, back to the question at hand:
Why would the evildoers that do Satan’s bidding – whether fully conscious of whom they serve or not – announce their nefarious plans ahead of time?
Simply put, as Sheen stated, it’s because the Devil is the ape of God.
Even though Satan is the Master Deceiver and the subtlest of all creatures who often operates in the shadows, he is also immensely prideful, to a degree nearly as infinite as the humility of Christ. As such, he cannot help but boast of his designs, almost as if to say, “My plans are thus, and there is nothing you can do about it!”
This is the Devil’s manner of mocking Divine Providence.
As God sent His messengers to announce the coming of the Messiah – the Truth, the Life, and the Way of Salvation come to save mankind from eternal death – Satan is likewise compelled to raise up messengers of his own to announce how he – the Lie, the Death, and the Way of Damnation – will come to lead souls away from eternal life.
This is the Devil’s manner of mocking the prophets.
Just as the Church of Christ makes use of images and icons that draw our attention to heavenly things, so too does the Devil move his minions to make public displays featuring Satanic, pornographic, homoerotic, and pedophilic symbolism in order to draw hearts and minds to Hell.
This is the Devil’s manner of mocking sacred signs.
In a similar way, as the Word of God has been consigned to writing under His inspiration in Sacred Scripture, Satan is likewise moved to urge his prophets to set forth his desires for mankind in writing and in other forms of media.
This is the Devil’s manner of mocking Divine Revelation.
More could be said but let us consider just one final example.
As Our Lord often spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven in a mode of discourse discernable only to those with ears to hear, so too does Satan speak of his kingdom come in a manner that likewise seems to resonate only with people of faith.
This is the Devil’s manner of mocking the parables of Christ.
On this note, one may recall the disciples asking Our Lord why He spoke in this way:
And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to him who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. (Matthew 13:11-12)
This passage speaks to the present situation rather well:
Whereas leftists of little or no faith delight in belittling as “Conspiracy Theorists” those who acknowledge the warning signs of evils to come, deluding themselves into believing that they will be members of the favored class in the New World Order, even what freedoms they presently enjoy will be taken away.
So, what about you: Do you, like me, see storm clouds gathering on the horizon?