In defense of the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King: Presentation delivered to the Baltimore Chapter of Legatus in June 2012; including an examination of the underlying theology of John Courtney Murray.
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The Continent of Africa will Shake on the 25th day of a month amen. Peace.
2) IDF Soldiers – Deploy and Secure the One True Ark of the Covenant, the true presence of the God of Israel at Axum, Ethiopia amen. Peace.
3) US Military Personnel and US Allies – Standby to Defend the Nation of Israel at all cost amen. Peace
Louie, what is the process now to post a comment on your articles? This is the only place I could find on your site to post a comment. I was going say something about your Vigano article.
Dear sister in Christ, Miss Marie Tageye, I hope you are well in Faith and moral life and coping in this unprecedented time of mass apostasy. I wonder at your finding a place to leave a message. God bless and preserve you and your family in the One Holy Faith. Lynda Finneran
We’ve been away for a while due to ComBox Combat Follies. Louie had previously closed it but relented and the same characters returned to continue their pollution. Looks like Louie just plain got tired of their continuing nonsense. Don’t blame him one bit…When things exceed booooring and boorish, well it’s time to close it down. They will not be missed. Let the combatants go start their own blog. RIP.
It is noted none of them could address/answer a simple question…to wit: How does the Church survive without a true Pope? For clearly the Pope comes first and heretics cannot be Catholic let alone legitimate Popes. They are excommunicated Ipso Facto. PERIOD! Now consider all the numerous accepted and legitimate prophecies for the end times, apostasy at the top, abomination of desolation etc….add 2+2….? It equals 4….and everything falls into place….ie NO POPE, NO CHURCH, NO SACRAMENTS, NO GRACE……aka Satan Unleashed….In the Church and Society. NAH Couldn’t be that…or Could it? Like the adage say?….” Are You going to believe your own eyes or what everyone is telling you?”
This is seriously adorable that you guys found a spot to comment. I love you. Mr. Verrecchio, I miss your comment box. I tried to chat on Twitter but it makes me afraid, I go back and delete anything I write, usually just as I try to get to sleep at night. I begin to imagine phony clerical perverts in Rome and mean witches from Patheos furiously typing to identify and target me and my family with hexes and reserving us the worst spot in the reeducation camp, lol. I laugh, but they are real bad guys; I do keep Louie Verrecchio in my prayers. Also, when the comment box is axed, I always feel like it was my fault so apologies if it was me. God bless you all.
Well I, too, am glad I found the hidden place to comment. I was concerned that somehow i was blocked or that the site was changed or shut down to public comments. I see now that others are experiencing the same lack of access to the comments block, so i will hope for some announcement or change to current situation. So much to discuss, and yet, so little to add when once again Louis nails it. His latest assessment of the upcoming Fatima movie, of course is spot on. I saw an interview with the producers, who never once even mentioned Repentance as a key instruction in Our Lady’s message. I visited Fatima many years ago, it was already clear that it was hijacked by forces that were unsettling. Now they deign to misrepresent Her message, even going so far as to say we don’t need World War III to hear her message, even though she appeared in the midst of WWI ! Who are they to decide what she needs to do or say?! What audacity.
And meanwhile, i continue to stay tuned for any news of a discovery of a “dog that can hunt” in the quest for illumination on the role of sheep and their obedience to a real pope, not that we have one currently.
“If we don’t get this right and acknowledge the whole problem at its root, namely that Bergoglio has never had any part in the Papacy, then when Antipope Bergoglio “goes away”, IF Pope Benedict is still alive, any conclave that is called will be totally invalid as well, and then we will have ANOTHER Antipope, who will be decades younger.” -Ann Barnhardt. Why would this woman want to place the root of this problem at Joseph Ratzinger’s fake resignation? She is clearly aware that a Catholic Pope would not take away our Mass. The root of the problem is the interference in the 1958 conclave and I can not believe that any but the most uninformed would believe otherwise. Does Miss Barnhardt desire ANOTHER Antipope? New Order will beget New Order. If we are to get a Pope, he needs to be elected by Catholics, not New Order. If we can not humanly uncover the fraud that occurred over 60 yrs ago that does not mean that we can not say this man, Jorge, standing before us today, is not a Catholic but an apostate and these other men are not Catholic but apostates and do the most thorough and unsparing inquisition known to man to discover true Catholics with Apostolic succession to elect a Catholic man Pope.
Listen to what this man had to say in this terrible article, ANDREA CIONCI: LET’S PAUSE ON BLAMING THE COUNCIL AND INVESTIGATE THE RENUNCIATION! This is what he states as his opinion, “ In the progression of modernism, someone wanted to see in Benedict XVI the step immediately preceding Francis: a bit ‘like comparing a bicycle to a freight train, in my opinion.” And that opinion is wrong. Is the Catholic Church the means of our salvation or is it one of many and endlessly diverse means of salvation? That question goes to the very heart of our faith and the very first and every subsequent fake New Order pope answered that question incorrectly and taught heresy. They were ALL bicycles or they were all freight trains but they were all different flavors of the same anti-Catholic imposter. None of these people who can at least string a few words together into a sentence can be this blind or foolish. They are propping up the false pretenders to the papacy so as to extend the interregnum. They are agents of the enemy and I hope they fail.
Mr. Verrecchio, You write in your last post, “ Isn’t it wonderful that Our Lord would not allow the modernist revolutionaries – men who have been plotting to construct a church in their own image and likeness for many decades – to succeed in establishing the counterfeit church until such time as technological advances would provide ordinary persons with easy access to the truth as expounded in the papal decrees, venerable councils, approved theological manuals and catechisms, all predating Vatican II?”. It is wonderful. I assume that we will continue to have access to these papal decrees on the internet but I do not presume it. Many of the books on my Amazon wish list now say, “This title is no longer available No image available.” I don’t even know what they were but I presumed that I’d purchase them at some later date. John Lane, I’m sure has done a yeoman’s job alerting Catholics to the false claimants but he also says that sedevacantists don’t lose sleep over the vacant chair of Peter. I hope he is being hyperbolic and that he, like every Catholic, desires a Pope but all the evidence I’ve seen indicates that he is being quite forthright and representing the majority of sedevacantists. I’m not criticizing him for not knowing how exactly to go about a valid licit conclave but it seems to me that the sedevacantists focus solely on getting their Sacraments from someone. Where will I get my Sacraments?! That is super important but many Catholics throughout Hx have been deprived of the Sacraments. What they should be focused on is the fact that the head of the Catholic Church has been removed and bedlam has ensued. That chair needs to be filled with a Catholic man. Not a New Order but a Catholic. I assume the seat could only possibly be vacant for so long because it is the end of the world but I will not presume so and therefore we need to still elect a Pope for the Catholic Church. Please, if I’m wrong tell me where I’m going wrong.
I don’t mean to discourage what you’re doing here Mr. Verrecchio, I believe it is heroic but…I’ve noticed that once special people have produced a hoax, and the New Order has to be the most infernal hoax ever produced, people will never give it up. Even a cheap poorly produced hoax may be exposed methodically and a very small percentage, a fringe group, will recognize the hoax for the lie it is but on the whole a hoax can’t be put back in the box. I don’t mean to say that I don’t care about the New Order and I wouldn’t want to write what justice would require but I do want to say that the more important thing is how does this 1P5 young man become a Priest? He isn’t the only man who may have a vocation to become a Catholic Priest. How can one become a Priest when there hasn’t been a Pope in the Chair of Peter for over 60 years? How do we elect a Pope for our children so that they can become Priests?
Melanie, one can become a validly ordained priest with the SSPV and CMRI, who have an unbroken chain of validly consecrated bishops.
If one looks at how anti-pope Paul VI took a prayer for the installation of an Eastern Rite Patriarch, already a bishop, and tried to foist it onto the Church as his new episcopal consecration rite, lacking the necessary form, it appears that the prophesies foretelling a miraculous appointment of the next true pope is what will be required, since the NO counterfeit church has laymen dressed as priests and bishops, except for the handful of very old priests who were validly ordained. Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich saw mystically that Sts. Peter and Paul would appear and appoint a pope after the period of spiritual and temporal devastation, to the amazement of all, and it looks like that will initiate the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the renewal of both the Church and the world for a considerable period of time.
When there is long interregnum like we’re in now, what is called “supplied jurisdiction” is operative, since “salus animarum suprema lex.”. A loose analogy would be “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.” In normal circumstances, the pope must grant jurisdiction. When there is no pope, or even if communication with a sitting pope takes a long time, as has occurred at times before the invention of the telegraph, a validly consecrated bishop receives supplied jurisdiction. If anyone disagrees, I’d like to hear their reasons.
More emphasis needs to be placed, I believe, on the evidence and the motive for a fake assassination attempt on JPII on May 13, 1981. Your article and the accompanying video of the supposed cassock worn by JPII, with blood in the knee area but not around the abdomen, is a lot of evidence. Why “they” would not put a lot of blood where it’s supposed to be I can only attribute to chutzpah and malicious pleasure at seeing what they can make the stupid Catholic cattle believe.
The motive would be to make him appear as a “Fatima Pope,” May 13 being the new Feast of Our Lady of Fatima he himself established, and to make him appear anti-communist (that they considered him a threat and wanted him dead), and to make him the supposed “bishop dressed in white” who is shot and “falls down as if dead” in the bogus 3rd Secret revealed in 2000.
Such deception goes hand in hand with the usurpation of the papacy in 1958,, and the “disappearing” (and probable murder) of Sr Lucia around the same time, Fr Augusin Fuentes, who last interviewed her in 1957, was denounced and reprimanded by the enemy-colonized Vatican in July (I believe) 1958, certainly without the knowledge of Pius XII, who was in ill health and would be dead in 3 months, probably from poisoning: here is some info on his wretched and corrupt personal physician, a Freemason:
Re- “Your Latin Mass parish is growing. So what?” — it is important to know, difficult and unsettling as it may be to most lovers of Catholic tradition, that the homosexual Freemason and son of a Jewish converso mother anti-pope Paul VI invalidated the episcopal consecration rite, as can be clearly perceived here:
On the abundant evidence for his unchaste homosexuality, see (and 2 other short related articles there).
His mother’s tomb covered with occult Kabbalistic imagery can be seen on Google Images. Montini’s father was the publisher of a liberal Catholic newspaper.
More can be seen in “Papal Imposters” on youtube. (Caution: the double-agent Malachi Martin gives deceptive “limited hangout” when talking about the papal elections, intentionally saying nothing about the critical 1958 conclave.)
Do you think it may be a good idea to add a few more “Featured Links”? I would recommend these:
Thank you, Mr Verrechio, for your article of 22nd October reiterating the truths of the the One Holy Church instituted by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, its not admitting of error in Faith and morals. It cannot be repeated too often in this time of great apostasy and unprecedented diabolic evil and deception, ubiquitous hardness of heart and darkening of the intellect. We support whatever truth is spoken insofar as it is true, even by those apparently sincere clergy or laymen who have not yet been able to explicitly acknowledge extreme manifest heresy, diabolic public enmity of God and the Holy Faith, and moral law, and that such cannot emanate from Holy Mother Church, the Holy See or from any member of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. May God have mercy on our souls, grant us perseverance in the unchangeable Holy Faith and true penitence for our sins, firm purpose of amendment. God grant us the necessary graces to pray more in contrition and atonement. Our Lady of Fatima, Blessed Michael Archangel intercede for our salvation and the salvation of all the souls endangered by this great apostasy and disobedience of Our Lord God. Lord, come to our aid. Forgive us our sins.
Louie, your Oct. 22 article, “Beware the “institutional Church / valid Catholic” hoax” is really top notch and needs to be shared widely. I’m definitely doing so. Hopefully a few “tradservatives” will, like the Jews who heard St Peter’s discourse on Pentecost, be “cut to the heart” and realize their continued adherence to the Vatican II “counterfeit church of darkness,” as Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich prophesied, is fundamentally a mercenary act for those who should know better, since it involves loving something more than truth, which means loving something more than Christ. You put it best:
“To acknowledge that Vatican Council II and the bastard rite that it inspired neither came from, nor belong to, the Catholic Church, “institutional” or otherwise, is to acknowledge that the society in occupation of the Vatican today is not what it claims to be. Rather, it is an imposter church merely posing as the Catholic Church, and this, my friends, is a can of worms that precious few have the backbone to open.
“You see, once a “professional tradservative” personality draws, embraces, and publicly acknowledges this unavoidable conclusion, his gravy train will slow to a virtual halt.”
You may want to change “hyperstatic” to “hypostatic,” however, here:
“…its members united to the Head in this one Body in a manner analogous to the hyperstatic union.” I’m not a theologian, but I wouldn’t be surprised if calling the Incarnation the “hyperstatic union” is an excommunicable Christological heresy 😉
Dear Mr Verrechio, brother in Christ, thank you for your witness and devotion to Holy God, the Holy Faith and the the true eternal Holy Church. As we suffer more and more under the anti-Christ NWO dictatorship, of which the Vatican offices are an essential part, as a result of the Great Apostasy from the top down, it is a consolation and support to have fellow Catholics, such as yourself, speak the truth of Faith and morals which can never ever change. To paraphrase: Flee from those who preach a different Faith than the one handed down by the Apostles as they received it from Christ Our Lord; and, flee from unrepentant heretics and heresy. God bless you and protect you in the One Holy Faith to death. Viva Cristo Rey! Your sister in Christ, Lynda Finneran
We are suffering under the anti-Christ world dictatorship and have been for a long time, its diabolic temporal power only possible because of the mass apostasy from the top down. The Father of Lies is long unchained on Earth (due to turning away from God and the Holy Faith (and thus Reason and all truth) and the lies people are going along with multiply exponentially (motus in fine velocior). The lies and compliance with evil and madness are worst from the apparent top and the consecrated. What is proposed on 25th March is yet another most diabolic aping of a true consecration (in accordance with Catholic Tradition, with unchangeable true reason and the Holy Faith) by a true pope in accordance with the will of God made known by His Holy Mother, and for the true, holy purposes of true repentance and conversion and atonement for the mass apostasy from the top down. A most diabolic blasphemous, sacreligious anti-Catholic act which requires all who go along with it to pretend so many fundamental things are other than they objectively are, as true reason and faith, unchangeable, attest to. It requires many lies, pretences, ignoring of truths, temporal and spiritual, by many. God gave us reason, the graces to acquire the true Faith, a young child who can make his First Holy Confession must know the Faith, and have right reason to the extent that he can recognise that which is against the God and the fundamental tutus of the One Holy Faith, and God’s moral law. May God have mercy on us. Let us offer up all our suffering for His Holy Will, the repentance and conversion of all, shortening of this evil time of mass apostasy, and glorification of evil, lies and the Father of Lies. God help us not to go along with evil and lies which are everywhere imposed from the top of the anti-Christ anti-Church world dictatorship and which most people join in pretence for fear of the persecution by the enemies of God who hold the temporal power. Their temporal power will decrease and fall away when true repentance and atonement, willingness to suffer for love of God and truth and obey Him, not His Enemies comes to be. (Please forgive my lack of clarity, fluency in language due to my chronic illness.) Purify us o Lord, let us put our will under God’s Holy will as we suffer these evil times the result of man’s rebellion against God and all that is objectively good and true, all Truth and Goodness. Save us o Lord, and especially bring to repentance and conversion the consecrate souls who have led the people against God and the Holy Faith. Let us die in Union with God, and His true everlasting Holy Church. In Christ our Saviour and King, Lynda Finneran